Adding PTL Files

You can manually add PTL files to your DNCA configuration by editing the dcx-conf.xml file.

About this task

To edit the configuration file to add PTL files:


  1. Log on to the DNCA host machine as user root and change to directory /usr/local/dncauser/etc.
  2. Edit the DNCA configuration file dcx-conf.xml.
  3. Look for the following line:
  4. If DNCA is already configured with PTL files, the <CaptureKeys> and </CaptureKeys> tags are on separate lines.
  5. Add a <CaptureKey> entry for each PTL file between <CaptureKeys> and </CaptureKeys>. Each entry requires a label and the full pathname of the PTL file. For example, the <CaptureKey> entry for a hypothetical PTL file named /usr/local/dncauser/etc/web1.ptl would look like the following:
            <Label>Web1 Key </Label>

    Below is an example of two <CaptureKey> entries configured on a DNCA host machine:

                  <Label>Web1 Key </Label>
                  <Label>Web2 Key </Label>
  6. Save changes to the configuration file and exit the editor.
  7. Restart the capture programs using the following commands:
    ./discover stop capture
    ./disocver start capture
  8. If capture fails to start, view capture.log to determine the reason.
  9. Log on to the DNCA Web console with a Web browser and click the SSL Keys tab to view the PTL files you've configured.