

  1. In the Condition step, you must select one of the following options from the drop-down.
    Distance between events is between the following number of seconds
    The distance between the listed events is measured to be between the specified range of seconds.
    Distance between events is between the following number of hits
    The distance between the listed events is measured to be between the specified range of hits.
  2. When either selection is made, you must then populate the range within which the triggered events must occur. The range is inclusive, meaning that the end values are included in determining whether the distance between events is between the acceptable range.
    • For time events: Enter a real number in seconds in each textbox between 0.001 and 10000. For example, values of 0.25 and 2 means the time between the events must be greater than or equal to 0.25 seconds but less than or equal to 2 seconds to trigger the event.
    • For hit events: Enter positive integers in each textbox 1 - 2048. For example, values of 3 and 8 mean the number of hits between the events must be either 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 hits to trigger the event.


Note: If the lower bound of the distance is set to 0, then the events can occur on the same hit.
Note: You must specify exactly two event conditions to complete a valid evaluation for a distance event. For more information about creating distance events from the start or end of session, see Distance events from start or to end of session.