Specifying the start position for your ZDT/Db2 editor session
You can load rows from the Db2® object being processed starting at the first row, or you can start at some other point.
The Start position entry field on the editor entry panel specifies the required start position. The default is 1.
When the ZDT/Db2 editor is operating in "normal mode", the editor session contains rows starting at the specified start position. The total number of rows loaded is either the value specified in Row count, or some lesser number if the end of the Db2® object was encountered before the required number of rows were loaded. You cannot scroll up to see the rows that were skipped.
When the ZDT/Db2 editor is operating in "large mode", the editor session initially contains rows starting at the specified start position. You can scroll up to see rows prior to the start position, as far as the first row of the Db2® object if required.
Usage Note: You can use the Start position value to limit the rows loaded in the editor session, or to start midway through a Db2® object. For example, if you have a large table of, say, a million rows containing people's names ordered by surname and you were only interested in names starting with S, you could enter a start value of, say, 700,000 assuming you knew this is the approximate start position for surnames starting with "S".