Specifying a data set and a member name
Some ZDT/Db2 panels require you to specify the data set that you wish to use for the current process. If the data set is a PDS, a CA-Panvalet library, or a library accessed using the Library Management System Exit, you also must enter the member name. These panels are collectively referred to as Entry panels.
To specify your data set on any entry panel:
- In the Data set name field, enter a fully-qualified data set name or a
name pattern. The name may include a member name or name pattern in parenthesis.
If the member is specified here, the associated Member field must be empty.
Note: In the case of a copybook, this can be the name of a CA-Panvalet library or the name of a library accessed using the Library Management System Exit.
If you do not enclose the data set name in quotation marks, then the TSO prefix for your user ID is used as the high-level qualifier.
If you enter a pattern, when the Entry panel is processed ZDT/Db2 displays a list of the data sets that match the pattern.
Patterns can contain a percent sign (%) to represent a single character, and an asterisk (*) to represent any number of characters within one qualifier. Two asterisks (**) represent any number of characters within any number of qualifiers.
For performance reasons, you should qualify the data set name as much as you can.
- If you specified the name of a partitioned data set (PDS), the
name of a CA-Panvalet library, or the name of a library accessed using
the Library Management System Exit, in the Data set name field
(without including a member name or name pattern in parenthesis),
then enter a name or name pattern in the Member field.
A member name pattern can consist of any characters that are valid in a member name and the following two special pattern characters:
- asterisk (*)
- Represents any number of characters. As many asterisks as required
can appear anywhere in a member name. For example, if you enter
, a list of all members in the data set whose name contains “d” is displayed. - percent sign (%)
- A place-holding character representing a single character. As
many percent symbols as necessary may appear anywhere in a member
name. For example, if you enter
, a list of all members in the data set whose name is four characters in length is displayed.
If you perform either of these actions:- Do not include a member name or name pattern in parenthesis in the Data set name field, and leave the Member field blank, or you specify a pattern in the Member field,
- Include a member name pattern in parenthesis in the Data set name field, and leave the Member field blank,
- For data sets that have not been catalogued, enter the serial number of the volume which contains the data set in the Volume serial field.
- Complete the remaining panel-specific fields, and then press Enter
to process the panel function.
If both the data set name and the member name have been fully specified, the panel action will proceed to its next stage.
If you entered a pattern for the data set name or member name, the Data Set Selection panel is displayed, followed by the Member Selection panel, as needed. When you have made your selections from these panels, the Entry panel action will proceed to its next stage.
- When the Data Set Selection panel is displayed, select your data
set by entering an
in the Sel field adjacent to the required data set. You can only select one name from this list. - When the Member Selection panel is displayed, select your members
by typing an
in the Sel field next to each member, and then pressing Enter.You can select as many names as required from this list. When the panel is processed, the first member on the list is used in the relevant function. When the function is completed, the next member in list is used. For example, if you are selecting several members to be edited, the first member is displayed in the Edit Session panel. When you exit this panel, the next member is displayed, and so on, until all selected members have been processed.