Accessing Tutorial Help
The Tutorial Help system is both context-sensitive and structurally organised. You can get directly to the information you need, using the context-sensitive access method or you can enter the Help system at a specific location and navigate to any topic information within the structure.
To access a context-sensitive Tutorial Help page:
- Place your cursor on the Command Line or anywhere in the panel that is outside of a field entry line.
- Press the Help function key (F1).
The Tutorial Help page associated with the current panel is displayed.
When you access the Tutorial Help in this way, the first page that is displayed may be a main topic page, with a menu listing the associated sub-topics, or it may be a sub-topic page, depending upon the context from which you started.
- Navigate through the Tutorial Help pages, to find the information you require (see below for a list of navigation commands).
- When you have finished, press the Exit function key (F3) to return to your starting panel.
The Tutorial Help system is organised with a Table of Contents structure that is based upon the ZDT/Db2 Primary Options menu. Each entry within the Table of Contents leads to a main topic with a number of associated sub-topics. In addition, there is an index that lists selected topics from the Tutorial Help, alphabetically by subject.
To choose your starting point in Tutorial Help:
- Select the Help pull-down menu from a panel Action Bar.
- Enter the option number for the Tutorial Help entry point that
you require. These are:
- 1. Help for help
- Displays the Help panel for the Tutorial Help system.
- 2. Extended help
- Displays the Tutorial Help panel associated with the current ZDT/Db2 panel (equivalent to pressing F1 from the ZDT/Db2 panel). When on the Primary Options menu, this is the Tutorial Help Table of Contents panel.
- 3. Keys help
- Displays a panel that provides help for the Function Keys that are active on the current ZDT/Db2 panel.
- 4. Help index A-M
- Displays the Help Index for subjects starting with "A" to "M".
- 5. Help index N-Z
- Displays the Help Index for subjects starting with "N" to "Z".
- 6. Tutorial
- Displays the Tutorial Help Table of Contents panel.
- 7. About
- Displays the ZDT/Db2 version, PTF level, and copyright information in a window.
- 8. About Db2®
- Displays the Db2® subsystem, Db2® version and release information,
ZDT/Db2 plan names, and audit options in a window. Note: For more information about audit options, see SAF-rule controlled auditing.
- 9. News about ZDT/Db2
- Displays a panels providing general information about the current ZDT/Db2 version/release.
- BACK or B
- To back up to the previously viewed page.
- SKIP or S
- To skip the current topic and go on to the next topic.
- UP or U
- To display a higher level list of topics.
- TOC or T
- To display the Table of Contents.
- INDEX or I
- To display the Tutorial Index. Once the Index has been displayed, use the Right function key (F11) and the Left function key (F10) to scroll through the list, then position your cursor on a subject and press Enter to display the topic.
Alternatively, you may use the following keys whenever you are in the tutorial:
- Enter (Ctrl)
- To display the next sequential page within a topic.
- Help (F1)
- To display the Help Tutorial page within the Tutorial Help system (that is, the page that describes how to use Tutorial Help).
- End (F3)
- To terminate the tutorial.
- Up (F7)
- To display a higher level list of topics (instead of typing UP ).
- Down (F8)
- To skip to the next topic (instead of typing SKIP ).
- Right (F11)
- To display the next sequential page within a topic (instead of pressing Enter).
- Left (F10)
- To display the previous sequential page within a topic (instead of typing BACK ).
Related references