Making changes
The note lines (=NOTE=) at the top of the SQL Edit session indicate whether you can make changes to the SQL statement. When data is displayed in a Z Data Tools/Db2 editor session, you cannot change the SQL statement without first ending the current editor session. To interactively test and change SQL statements, use Prototyping: Enter (option 4.3), or use the Re-edit template option on the Db2® View or Db2® Edit panel.
You can use ZDT/Db2 reference numbers as abbreviations for the column names.
When you exit the SQL Edit session by pressing the Exit function key (F3), ZDT/Db2 converts ZDT/Db2 reference numbers to the corresponding Db2® column name, and validates the statement. If the validation fails, ZDT/Db2 redisplays the SQL statement with an error message.
- You cannot change any part of the SQL statement before the WHERE keyword. This includes the list of columns in the SELECT clause (see the following note item).
- All columns in the table are included in the SELECT clause (following the SELECT keyword) of the SQL statement, even if you have edited the template to deselect some columns. If you deselect a column, it causes ZDT/Db2 not to display that column; it does not affect the SQL command used by ZDT/Db2 to retrieve the data from Db2®.
- The maximum length for the WHERE clause that can be specified in the ISPF editor session displayed by the SQL command is 32767 characters.
Related tasks
- Ending a Z Data Tools/Db2 editor session
- Entering, executing, and explaining SQL statements
- Selecting rows
- Selecting columns
Related references