JCL syntax for Z Data Tools/Db2 batch jobs
To use a Z Data Tools/Db2 function in a batch
job, include the following statement: //stepname EXEC PGM=HFMDB2,PARM=('SSID=sysid,SQID=sqlid')"
- sysid
- Refers to the Db2 subsystem where the ZDT/Db2 functions run.
- sqlid
- Refers to the Db2 SQLID under which the ZDT/Db2 functions run.
By default, report output is written to SYSPRINT. Sections of the output can be directed instead to the following ddnames:
- $$FILEM command parameters and return codes
- Command reports and return codes
You might also need a STEPLIB statement or other DD statements, depending on which Z Data Tools functions the batch job contains.
When you code Z Data Tools control statements, you must:
- Begin each control statement with
in columns 1 to 7, followed by a blank in column 8, followed by the command name, followed by the first parameter (if any). - Specify parameters and their values separated by an equal sign, as follows:
- Follow each parameter (except the last one) immediately with a comma.
Comment statements, which begin with an asterisk (*), are also allowed.
To continue a control statement onto the next line, end the
first line with a comma and begin the next line with $$FILEM
and a blank.
To continue a parameter that does not fit onto one line, do not use a continuation character.
Instead, split the parameter into more than one line, enclosing each part in apostrophes. For
$$FILEM OBJIOWNR='LONGOWNER1234567890123456789012345678901',
$$FILEM '2345678901234567890123456789012345678901NAME',
- If the control statement contains only the function name, there must be a space between the function name and the comma.
- To change processing options in batch or to reset options to the installation default, use the SET function.
The following example shows a batch job that uses the ZDT/Db2 DSP function to print the Db2 table:
$$FILEM OBJIOWNR='LONGOWNER1234567890123456789012345678901',
$$FILEM '2345678901234567890123456789012345678901NAME',
$$FILEM OBJINAME='DUMMY_TABLE_WITH_A_LO2345678901234567890',
$$FILEM '1234567890123456789012345678901234LONG_NAME',