Z Data Tools messages
The following messages may be issued when the batch job is first invoked from CICS and validates that the CICS region that submitted the job is running with the same level of Z Data Tools.
No storage to obtain CICS buffer to query CICS levels
There is insufficient memory to perform the level check.
Increase the available region size to the submitted batch job.
CICS level inquiry failed to run successfully rc = rc
Internal error occurred processing the inquire level command.
Contact HCL Support.
You are running a higher level of Z Data Tools in the batch job than in at least one of the connected CICS regions. This could lead to failures due to services being unavailable. Use the command VERCICS to verify the current levels of Z Data Tools for CICS that are running and ensure all regions with a lower level are upgraded appropriately.
This message indicates a mismatch in buffer layout between the batch job and ZDT/CICS most likely due to maintenance not being applied to all instances of ZDT/CICS. This mismatch can lead to severe errors if not resolved.
Use the VERCICS command to display the level of ZDT/CICS on all connected CICS regions. Correct all instances that are running at a lower level from the running Z Data Tools batch job. A difference in level may be due to maintenance not being applied to the ZDT/CICS instance or the ZDT/CICS programs may not have been refreshed in the CICS region after maintenance was applied.
CICS level inquiry failed with cond=CICS condition code
The load for program HFM3LVL has failed in the connected CICS region with the CICS condition code condition code.
This normally indicates an installation problem as HFM3LVL is not accessible in the connected CICS region. Check the DFHRPL and ensure HFM3LVL is available in Z Data Tools libraries.
Warning - PTF mismatch
You are running different maintenance levels of Z Data Tools in the batch job and ZDT/CICS in one or more of the connected CICS regions. This indicates that ZDT/CICS in one or more region may be downlevel and therefore not contain all available services or resolutions for problems provided by more recent levels of maintenance.
Use the VERCICS command to display the PTF level of ZDT/CICS on all the connected CICS regions. Correct all instances that are running at a different PTF level from the running Z Data Tools batch job. A difference in PTF level may be due to maintenance not being applied to the ZDT/CICS instance or the ZDT/CICS programs may not have been refreshed in the CICS region after maintenance was applied.
CICS level inquiry was unable to load HFM3LVL
The batch job was unable to load the module HFM3LVL.
Ensure HFM3LVL is available to be loaded by the batch job.