Purging CICS tasks
To purge a task that issued the CICS enqueue that is locking a resource:
- Enter the P or F prefix command against
the listed enqueue on the CICS Enqueue Selection List panel.
ZDT/CICS issues a SET TASK PURGE or SET TASK FORCEPURGE CICS command respectively against the task.
- You cannot issue a P line command (SET TASK PURGE) for tasks defined as not purgeable (Prge on the CICS Enqueue Selection List panel shows as NO).
- You can issue an F line command (SET TASK FORCEPURGE) against a task
defined as not purgeable.
Before issuing the first PURGE or FORCEPURGE, ZDT/CICS displays a warning
panel asking you to confirm the purge.
If the purge was successfully issued against one or more tasks, ZDT/CICS changes the entry on the CICS Enqueue Selection List panel to
. This does not indicate that the task was successfully purged, but only that the purge command was successfully issued.If the purge command failed, ZDT/CICS changes the entry on the CICS Enqueue Selection List to
and displays the condition and RESP2 values returned by CICS at the bottom of the panel. - Issuing PURGE or FORCEPURGE against a task terminates the task. Therefore, you should issue a REFRESH command after purging one or more tasks to produce a current list of all active CICS enqueues.
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