For many tasks performed with Z Data Tools, you can manipulate your view of a data set by applying a template.
A Z Data Tools template is a collection of information that you can use to select and format records and fields in an application data set.
To view data stored in a supported data set, use the View Utility or the Edit Utility.
The template repository is a VSAM KSDS file that is used to associate a data set or resource name with its corresponding template.
Use the Copybook View and Print Utility to view or print field definition information.
A Z Data Tools template can be exported to an external XML format using the Template Export utility.
Display a list of templates and perform actions on them.
You can enhance normal processing of a number of Z Data Tools tasks by supplying a procedure that runs in conjunction with the Z Data Tools process.
Redefines criteria can be specified for a field with a REDEFINES clause, or a field that is the target of a REDEFINES clause.
Z Data Tools provides several enhancements to the basic facilities that are available in an ISPF session: Enhanced Reference List, Enhanced Search, Enhanced Change, and PDSE Workbench.
Z Data Tools Service Provider for IBM® z/OS® Connect Enterprise Edition enables client applications to access IBM Z data sources using z/OS Connect.