Column descriptions
For details of the fields displayed in the member list, see Field descriptions.
- (prefix area)
- You can enter commands in the prefix area before each row in the member list. For details of the supported commands, see Prefix commands.
- Name
- The name of the member.Where generation information is displayed:
- Current members (generation 0) are highlighted in white.
- Member generations are blue.
- Orphaned member generations (without a generation 0) are red.
- Primary members are highlighted in white.
- Aliases are blue.
- Prompt
- A dynamic area that displays the last action that occurred for the listed member.
- Rel
- This is the relative generation number of the member generation. The relative generation is either 0 or a negative number. The current member always has a relative generation = 0, with the most recent generation created having a relative generation of -1, then -2, and so on. The maximum number of generations is defined by the MAXGENS parameter when the PDSE version 2 data set is created.
- Gen
- This is the absolute generation number of the member generation. The absolute generation is either 0 or a positive number. The current member always has an absolute generation = 0. The absolute generation number is 1 for the first generation and incremented by 1 for each new generation.
Note: GEN and REL columns only appear when viewing a
PDSE version 2 data set with a non-zero generation limit.
- Type
- One of the following values is displayed:
- BASE: Z Data Tools Base component template created from copybooks
- DYN: Dynamic template
- IMS: IMS template
- VIEW: IMS view
- CRIT: IMS criteria set
- IMSX: IMS extract template
- DB2: Db2 template
- Created
- The date the template was created in YYY/MM/DD format.
- Updated
- The date and time the template was updated in YYY/MM/DD HH:mm:SS format.
- Lock
- This column contains the value Lock if the template
is locked.Note: Use the L prefix command to toggle this value.
- LZ
- This contains the value Y if the default formatting
for numeric fields is set to show leading zeros.Note: Use the Z prefix command to toggle this value.
- The original language of the copybooks from which the fields in the template were derived. The value is blank, COBOL, PL/I, or HLASM.
- The template version.
- Description
- The first line of the description that can be entered using the template edit DESCRIBE command.
- The Db2 subsystem where the object used to build the template originated. (Db2 templates only.)
- Owner
- The owner of the associated Db2 object.
- Object Name
- The associated Db2 object name described by this template.
- This column contains a value for IMS templates, views and criteria sets. It identifies where the DBD that was used to create the template segment list comes from. When it comes from a DBD library, the DBD library member is displayed. When it comes from an IMS catalog, the name of the subsystem that uses the IMS catalog followed by the database name is displayed.
- Template
- This column contains a value for IMS views and criteria sets. It shows the template data set member that was used to create the view or criteria set.