Member list field descriptions
Use the input fields to specify the list of members and generations in PDSE Workbench.
For details of the columns displayed in the member list, see Column descriptions
- Data set name
- Specify a fully qualified or generic data set name of either a PDS or PDSE.
- Specify a generic data set name to select a data set from the data set selection list for processing by the PDSE Workbench.
- Leave the data set name blank to select from the history of up to 50 previous data sets used by the PDSE Workbench.
- Member name
- Specify a member name or member name pattern to display in the member list. Leave blank to display all members.
- Generation limit
Defines the maximum number of member generations to be displayed for each member. Specify a value in the range 0 to 2000000000 or leave the field blank to indicate no limit. This field is ignored for data sets that do not support member generations.
- Compare option
- Enter one of the following values to set a prefix command (CC, CN, CP, or CS) to be used with
the compare utility.
- ISPF Edit compare, using the ISPF VIEW service. This is the default option.
- SuperC compare.
- Z Data Tools Compare function (DSM).
Notes:- For the ISPF and SuperC compare utilities, selected member generations are copied to a temporary data set to perform the comparison.
- To compare unformatted records such as program objects, where the compare option specifies ISPF Edit compare, the DSM function (Data Set Compare) will be used.