Navigating in Z Data Tools
You navigate around Z Data Tools panels in the same way as any other panels under ISPF. That is, you launch processing panels from menu panels, by entering the appropriate menu option number on the Command line. Z Data Tools uses a Primary Options Menu panel to provide access to processing panels that are related to a particular function or group of functions. In some cases, an option on the Primary Options menu leads to another menu panel, from which you can select the required processing panel.
When you know the menu structure well, you can quickly jump to
the required panel by entering the full pathway through the menu options.
For example, entering 4.2.8
would take you directly
to the Exported Stacked Volume Copy panel.
You can also jump to any Z Data Tools panel from any other panel,
without having to navigate the menu structure, by using an equals
sign (=) to prefix the option number. The equals sign instructs
Z Data Tools to start the menu navigation from the Primary Options menu
and not from your current location. For example, if you were positioned
on the Set Processing Options Menu panel, entering 2
the Command line would display the Set System Processing Options panel
(option 2 on the current menu), while entering =2
display the Edit Entry panel (option 2 on the Primary Options Menu
To access a panel, choose one of the following methods:
- Type the menu option number on the Command line and press Enter. Repeat for each nested menu until the required processing panel is displayed.
- Type an equals sign followed by the complete menu path to the required panel, separating each menu level with a period, then press Enter.
Many Z Data Tools panels have more information than can be seen in a single screen, particularly when you are running in 80x24 display. When this happens, a message is displayed in the top right corner of the panel.
Process Options Help
Z Data Tools Data Create Utility
More: +
Output Partitioned, Sequential or VSAM Data Set, or HFS file:
To scroll down the panel, choose one of these methods:
- Press the Forward function key (F8) (this scrolls down by your default scroll amount, usually one screen at a time)
- Enter FORWARD or DOWN on the Command line (these commands scroll down by your default scroll amount, usually one screen at a time)
- Enter BOTTOM on the Command line (this takes you to the bottom of the panel)
To scroll back to the top of the panel, choose one of these methods:
- Press the Backward function key (F7) (this scrolls up by your default scroll amount, usually one screen at a time)
- Enter BACKWARD or UP on the Command line (these commands scroll up by your default scroll amount, usually one screen at a time)
- Enter TOP on the Command line (this takes you to the beginning of the panel)
To exit from any panel, choose one of the following:
- Press the Exit function key (F3).
- Type
on the Command line and press Enter. - Type
on the on the Command line and press Enter.
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