Report sections
The Z Data Tools compare utility report contains five sections:
- Prologue
- The prologue is generated unless you select report Listing Type = “none”. It lists the data sets being compared, and any copybooks or templates that were specified to filter or format the records.
- Body
- The report body is generated unless you select report Listing Type = “summary” or Listing Type = “none” The contents of the body is determined by the Listing Type (delta, matching or long) and the Listing Options, and whether the comparison type is record or formatted.
- Summary
- The summary is generated unless you select report Listing Type = “none”.
It tallies the number of records processed, the number of matching
records found, the number of insertions and deletions found, the number
of records that were not selected by record identification and selection
criteria processing, and the number of records that were not compared
due to invalid data in a formatted comparison.
The number of records not selected or not compared is only reported for non-zero totals. The number of records processed includes the "not compared" total but excludes the "not selected" total. A summary of the type of comparison and the options specified is provided. For keyed comparisons, the key segment positions and lengths are also listed.
- Template details
- Template details are reported when you select one of the template
reporting options, unless you also select Listing type = “none”.
For each template used in a formatted comparison, the template fields
can be listed along with their attributes (Show template layouts option).
Identification and selection criteria in the templates can be listed
(Show template criteria option) for both record comparisons
and formatted comparisons. For formatted comparisons, the template
mapping information can also be listed (Show mapped fields and Show
unmapped fields options). You can choose the manner in which template
field information is reported by means of the Show array elements, Show
start/end as hex offset, and Show length in hex options.
If you have selected the Show template layouts option, each 01-level is reported, followed by each of its fields. For each field, the field name, picture clause, type, start, end, and length are reported. If possible, each field is reported on a single line, and the report layout is adjusted to allow for the maximum length of the content of the field name and picture columns. If necessary, the field name, picture clause, and remaining information is reported on separate lines.
If you have selected the Show template criteria option, and the template was not dynamically created from a copybook, then the identification and selection criteria expressions, if any, are reported. If either expression is not present, a message is written to the report to indicate this. Within the expressions field, names are appended to the reference identifiers as an aid to readability.
If you have selected the Show mapped fields option or the Show unmapped fields option, each new 01-level is reported, followed by each of its fields in the same format as the layout information report. Each mapped field is followed by similarly formatted information for the corresponding field from the mapped old template layout. The mapped old field information is preceded by an equals sign (=) in the Ref column. Similarly, each unmapped (new) field is preceded by an asterisk (*) in the Ref column. A horizontal rule indicates the end of the new fields, and is followed by any unmapped fields in the old template layout. These fields are also preceded by an asterisk (*) in the Ref column. Whether mapped or unmapped fields or both are present in the mapping information report is determined by which mapping reporting options you selected.
- Field statistics
- Field statistics are produced when the Show Field Statistics option has been selected for a formatted compare where the synchronization option is One-to-one or Keyed.
- Field Statistics report
- This shows the old and new field names, number of mismatches and
two percentage values. The percentage values are calculated as followed:
- Compared
- This is percentage of the number of mismatches for the given field to the number of compared records for that record type.
- Changed
- This is the percentage of the number of mismatches for the given field to the number of changed records for that record type.