Retrieving details from a data set list
You can speed up the selection of commonly-used data sets from the function entry panel by retrieving the data set name and any associated details from a data set list.
When Z Data Tools retrieves details from a data set list, it fills the Data set name entry field on the panel with the retrieved name. If other details (such as the associated member name, volume serial, copybook or template data set name and member name details) are also stored for that entry in the data set list, Z Data Tools also retrieves those details and fills the corresponding entry fields on the panel with the retrieved names.
There are two ways to retrieve data set details: progressive retrieval using the NRETRIEV primary command, and point-and-shoot retrieval.
Progressive retrieval (NRETRIEV primary command)
To progressively retrieve the details of each data set held in the current data set list:
- Make the required data set list the current data set list.
- From the function entry panel, enter the NRETRIEV primary command (or press the function key to
which you have assigned the NRETRIEV primary command).
Z Data Tools retrieves the first data set name from the current data set list.
- To retrieve the details for the next data set in the current data set list, repeat the NRETRIEV primary command (or press the associated function key again).
- Continue to retrieve the details for each data set in the current data set list until you have retrieved the details for the data set you want.
Point-and-shoot retrieval
To retrieve the details of a specific data set from the current data set list:
- Open the required data set list to make it the current data set list.
- Place the cursor in the field to the left of the data set name you want, and press Enter.
The function entry panel is redisplayed with the selected name in the Data Set Name field and any associated information in the other entry panel fields.