Z Data Tools provides several enhancements to the basic facilities that are available in an ISPF session: Enhanced Reference List, Enhanced Search, Enhanced Change, and PDSE Workbench.
To view data stored in a supported data set, use the View Utility or the Edit Utility.
For many tasks performed with Z Data Tools, you can manipulate your view of a data set by applying a template.
Display a list of templates and perform actions on them.
You can enhance normal processing of a number of Z Data Tools tasks by supplying a procedure that runs in conjunction with the Z Data Tools process.
Redefines criteria can be specified for a field with a REDEFINES clause, or a field that is the target of a REDEFINES clause.
There are two methods of setting up the enhanced ISPF commands.
You can run all the options of the EFind command from the panel. Z Data Tools maintains a history of the last 50 commands.
This panel appears if a successful enhanced search is performed with the List option specified.
You can run all the options of the EChange command from the panel. Z Data Tools maintains a history of the last 50 commands.
This panel displays the reference member list.
Use the indexed search to search for words in one or more partitioned data sets that are not load libraries. The search uses an index that contains all of the words and the occurrences of each word in a group of data sets.
Use PDSE Workbench to manage members of all PDS and PDSE data sets, including member generations.
Z Data Tools Service Provider for IBM® z/OS® Connect Enterprise Edition enables client applications to access IBM Z data sources using z/OS Connect.