To display volume information for a VSAM or non-VSAM data set, from the VSAM Entry Detail panel
or Non-VSAM Entry Detail panel, enter the VOLUME primary command, or press the Volumes function key
(F5). Z Data Tools displays a pop-up Volume Information panel (see Volume Information panel) showing a list of allocated volumes for the selected data set. Figure 1. Volume Information panel
Process Options Help
Z Data Tools Non-VSAM Entry Detail
Catalog Entry: ┌─────────────── Volume Information ───────────────┐
Data set name . . '│ │ +
Catalog ID . . . . '│ All allocated volumes for VSAM dataset: │
│ More: + │
Additional information │ Number of volumes allocated: 19 │
│ data : 10 used 0 candidates │
General Data: │ index: 1 used 9 candidates │
SMS managed . . . . │ │
Management class . │ D$ST04 D$ST01 D$ST08 D$ST03 D$ST06 D$ST09 │
Storage class . . . │ 3390-1 3390-1 3390-1 3390-1 3390-1 3390-1 │
Volume serial . . │ D$ST07 D$ST02 D$ST0A D$ST05 │
Device type . . . │ 3390-1 3390-1 3390-1 3390-1 │
Data class . . . . │ D$ST04 *(2) *(3) *(4) *(5) *(6) │
Organization . . . │ 3390-1 3390-?? 3390-?? 3390-?? 3390-?? 3390-?? │
Record format . . │ *(7) *(8) *(9) *(10) │
Record length . . │ 3390-?? 3390-?? 3390-?? 3390-?? │
Block size . . . . │ Command ===> │
Command ===> VOLUMES │ F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit │
F1=Help F2=Split │ F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap │
F7=Up F8=Down └──────────────────────────────────────────────────└
To return to the VSAM Entry Detail panel or Non-VSAM
Entry Detail panel from the
pop-up Volume Information panel, press the Exit function key (F3).