Creating a new member or data set using data from an edit session
The CREATE primary command (or its abbreviation, CRE) creates a new member of a partitioned data set (PDS or PDSE) or a new sequential, VSAM, or z/FS data set from one or more lines of the data in the current editor session. If the specified member or data set exists, a warning panel is displayed and a choice is presented, allowing you to either replace the existing member (or data set) or to stop processing. (To replace an existing member or data set without being prompted, use the REPLACE primary command. See Replacing a member or data set using data from an edit session.)
- C or CC prefix commands (to copy lines)
- M or MM prefix commands (to copy lines, then delete them)
- A label range. (You must specify the "from" and "to" labels on the REPLACE command.)
- Excluded groups.
- Suppressed groups (groups of other record types when using a template).
- Not-selected groups (groups of not-selected records when using a template).
If you specify the member name or data set name as part of the CREATE primary command, and the move or copy line commands (or range operand) are entered, the new member or data set is created immediately from the data in the current editor session. The allocation attributes for a data set created in this way are taken from the data set in the current editor session.
When the current editor session is using a PDS, you can enter the member name with or without parentheses which is taken to mean a member within the same PDS.
You can specify a partially-qualified or fully-qualified data set name as part of the command.
- Creates the new member, MEMNAM.
- Creates the new member, MEMNAM.
CREATE datasetname(MEMB1)
- Creates member, MEMB1.
CREATE 'userid.datasetname(MEMB2)'
- Creates member, MEMB2.
CREATE 'userid.datasetname'
- Creates data set userid.datasetname, based on the current data set attributes.
If you enter the CREATE command without a member name or data set name, or you enter the extended version of this command, CREATEX (or its abbreviation, CREX), Z Data Tools displays an extended create panel allowing you to enter the name of a target data set and, optionally, member. This panel also allows you to decide what data set to use as a model, or, if you want, to manually enter allocation attributes for the target data set. Otherwise, the default data set attributes are taken from the data set on which the editor session is currently operating.
- Displays an extended create panel where you can enter the data set name and, optionally, the member name.
CREX 'userid.dataset'
- Displays an extended create panel where you can enter the data set name and, optionally, the member name.
The Pack option on the extended create panel allows you to choose whether the data being created is stored in ISPF packed or standard format. The displayed default reflects the current pack mode of the data being edited or viewed.
After the create processing is completed, Z Data Tools returns you to the existing editor session.
- In a CICS® environment, CICS® resources are not available as a target for this command. Also, MQ resources are not available as a target for this command.
- If the target file for a CREATE is a KSDS VSAM, the occurrence of duplicate keys causes an informational message to be displayed, but processing of the command continues.
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