Review Clone List panel
Use the Review Clone List panel to review the data sets that will participate in the copy process. You can select entries to remove from the list of data sets to be cloned.
If the panel display is 80 characters wide then the full names for the From and To data sets might not be visible in the area provided. Use the left (F10) and right scroll keys (F11) in the From or To fields to scroll both columns simultaneously. Use the expand key (F4) to see the full data set name in a window.
Process ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Z Data Tools Review Clone List Row 1 to 4 of 4 Command ===> _____________________________________________________ Scroll CSR Review the list of data sets below and use the D line command to delete data sets you don't want copied. Press Enter to continue with the copy. Use F3 or Cancel to return. From + To + _ HFM.DEMO01.EXEC KEEPER.DEMO01.EXEC _ HFM.DEMO01.MSGS KEEPER.DEMO01.MSGS _ HFM.DEMO01.PANELS KEEPER.DEMO01.PANELS _ HFM.DEMO01.SKELS KEEPER.DEMO01.SKEL ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************
Primary command
- F string
- Move the cursor to the next row that contains string in the From or To data set names.
Line command
- D
- Remove the entry from the copy list.