
ZCC サーバー サーバーは、ジョブとしても実行できますが、開始タスクとして実行することをお勧めします。

サンプル・プロシージャー HFISRV1 は、hlq.HFISAM1 データ・セットに用意されています。このプロシージャーをご使用のプロシージャー・ライブラリーにコピーしてください。

//HFISRV1  PROC PORT=2800,FAMILY='AF_INET',TRACE=N                    
//* Copyright = Licensed Materials - Property of HCL                 *
//*                                                                  *
//*             19OP1220 HCL Z Common Components                     *
//*                                                                  *
//*             (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2006, 2017.                  *
//*             All Rights Reserved.                                 *
//*             (C) Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2017, 2023.      *
//*             All Rights Reserved.                                 *
//*                                                                  *
//*             US Government Users Restricted Rights -              *
//*             Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by         *
//*             GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.             *
//*                                                                  *
//* Status = HCL Z Common Components, バージョン
      1 リリース 1             *
//*                                                                  *
//* FAMILY=AF_INET|AF_INET6   for TCP/IP V4 or V6 socket and bind     
//* TRACE =N|D|U              No server trace, detailed trace or      
//*                           user connection trace                   
//* This is not a complete JCL procedure. It requires customisation   
//* steps before running. To customise,                               
//* 1. Customise the HFICONFG member                                  
//* 2. Customise and run the HFIMKDIR sample job to match             
//* 3. replace HFI with your high level qualifier for ZCC product     
//* 4. Uncomment and replace CEE for your hlq for the LE C runtime    
//*    if SCEERUN is not in the site linklist                         
//* 5. If wanting to use a specific cipher string, uncomment and      
//*    modify the ENV variable setting                                
//     SET ENV=''                                                     
//*    SET ENV='ENVAR(GSK_V3_CIPHER_SPECS=33)'  <==modify to suit     
//RUN      EXEC PGM=HFISRV,REGION=40M,                                
//            PARM=('&ENV/&PORT &FAMILY &TRACE')                      
// SET HFI=HFI                                  <== Update HLQ        
//* Common component authorised library                               
//*        DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CEE.SCEERUN          <== LE C RUNTIME      
//SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*                                                
//HFITRACE DD SYSOUT=*                          <== OUTPUT if Tracing 
//STDOUT   DD SYSOUT=*                                                
//* Server wide, then participating product configurations            
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