ZCC server messages
Server on port %i exiting
The server is finished processing. Either errors occurred during startup, running, or the server is responding to a shutdown command.
The server finishes processing.
If the shutdown was unexpected, examine previous messages for the cause.
Error establishing SSL environment: %i
An error occurred while establishing the SSL environment.
The ZCC server attempts to continue.
Examine previous messages for reasons for environment failure. If previous messages do not help, contact HCL support.
Console modify/stop interface failed rc=%i, errno=%i error= %s
An error occurred while establishing the console interface.
The ZCC server exits.
Examine the provided error for reasons for failure. If previous messages do not help, contact HCL support.
Number of configurations %i
During start or configuration refresh, the CONFIG data was read and the specified number of configurations were recognized.
If the number of configurations is unexpected, check the CONFIG concatenations and contents.
Config number %i startup %s
During start or configuration refresh, the configuration specified an initial program to run.
System call rc=%i error=%s
A call to run a program according to a configuration failed.
Expected a portnumber integer. Received %s
The server expects an integer portnumber as the first parameter.
The server attempts to continue starting, using port 2800.
Check the invocation parameter for the server.
Expected AF_INET or AF_INET6. Received %s
The server expects the address family type as the second parameter.
The server attempts to continue starting, using the AF_INET family.
Check the invocation parameter for the server.
Using address family %s.
The server is using the specified address family.
Using port %i.
The server is using the specified port number.
listen() error: %s
The listen call failed with the specified error.
The server is shut down.
Correct the listed error if possible and restart the server.
Spawn failure for %s. Error: %s __errno2 = %08x
The attempt to spawn the specified program failed with the listed error and error code.
The server continues to run.
Examine the error and possibly examine the CONFIG file ensuring that customization occurred correctly.
Missing value for keyword '%s'
While reading the CONFIG file, an expected value for a keyword was missing.
The server continues to run.
Check the CONFIG file for the specified keyword and specify an appropriate value.
Failure to acquire storage for configuration instance %i
While preparing configurations, a failure to acquire storage occurred.
The server attempts to continue to run.
Check the REGION specification for the server. Increase and restart the server.
ZCC server Running on port %i.
Console message to indicate that the server is now accepting connections.
Established SSL environment.
The call to System SSL to initialize an environment was successful.
Unable to create temporary file %s. %s
The call to create a temporary file for a configuration failed.
The server attempts to continue, however the configuration might be unusable.
Examine the file path and error condition as shown. Correct the configuration file or update the directory permissions and restart or refresh the server.
Unable to verify dsn %s
The existence of data set %s in a STEPLIB= value could not be verified.
The server attempts to continue, however the configuration might be unusable.
Examine the named data set and ensure that it is the correct name. If necessary, update the configuration file and restart or refresh the server.
Unable to open CONFIG %s
During startup, or a refresh command, the DD CONFIG was unable to be opened.
If this occurs during initial start of the server, the server terminates. During a refresh, no new configurations are loaded.
Examine the error and the CONFIG data sets to ensure that they exist. If necessary, update the configuration file and restart or refresh the server.
REFRESH completed, %i configs processed.
A REFRESH console command has now completed. The server has re-read the configurations as specified in the CONFIG DD.
REFRESH found errors in new configs, not activated.
A REFRESH console command was issued, but during reading of the CONFIG DD, some errors occurred.
The server continues with its prior configuration.
Check the server output for possible further information on the problems that are found in the CONFIG file(s)
Creation of key database at %s failed, error %s
The configuration specifies that the server create a certificate to be used, however an error as described occurred when attempting to create the key database.
The server terminates.
f the error is an IO error, check the specified location for enough space (65KB). Otherwise, check that the location is writeable. To specify an alternate location, set the configuration keyword WORKDIR to the directory to be used.
Creation of self-signed certificate failed, error %s
The configuration specifies that the server create a certificate to be used, however an error as described occurred when attempting to create the self-signed certificate in the key database.
The server terminates.
Check the listed error and check documentation for the gsk_create_self_signed_certificate API.
Traceon received, trace already active.
The Server received a modify command to turn on tracing, but it is already on.
Traceon received, trace turned on.
The Server received a modify command to turn on tracing and has done so. Trace output goes to the HFITRACE file(DD) if present, or to the STDOUT file if not.
Traceoff received, trace already off.
The Server received a modify command to turn off tracing but it is already off.
Traceoff received, trace turned off.
The Server received a modify command to turn off tracing and has done so.
Unrecognized modify command.
The Server received a modify command, but did not recognize it.
Check that modify contained one of the valid requests; TRACEON, TRACEOFF, VER or REFRESH.
Client config name %s not found in CONFIG DD content.
The Server received a client connection request for the named config, but no matching CONFIG=name statement was found in the data that was contained in the CONFIG DD concatenation.
The client connection request is refused.
Check that the configurations referenced by the CONFIG DD for the server, contain a CONFIG=name section.
API start PID=processid
A process (processid) launched by the common server has invoked the common server subordinate API to start the environment setup and handshake with client.
API closure PID=processid
A process has invoked the common server subordinate API to close the environment setup and client connection.
ZCC server Release=%s PTF=%s
In response to the VER modify command, the server lists its release and PTF level information.
Unknown token %s with value %s for CONFIG=%s
While processing the configuration file, an unrecognized token/value pair was found.
The invalid token is ignored and processing attempts to continue.
Review the configuration file for the named token. Look for a misspelling or incorrect token or value.
Maximum user variables (500) reached when processing token %s, value %s in configuration %s
The limit of substitution values has been reached.
The server attempts to continue, however the configurations might be unusable.
Examine the number of $token=value pairs present in the configuration file and reduce to less than 500.
Unable to stat file %s.
The server is unable to check the configuration launch file entry.
The server attempts to continue, however this launch configuration is unusable.
Examine the file path and ensure that the setup was completed correctly. Most likely the file or directory path is not owned or correctly permitted in order for this server instance to access the named file. The WORKDIR configuration step of installation needs to be checked and rerun.
Not owner of launch file %s.
The server is not the owner of a configuration launch file entry.
The server attempts to continue, however this launch configuration is unusable.
Examine the file path and ensure that the setup was completed correctly. Correct the condition by ensuring that the file owner is updated to the userid of the server. The file system that the file is mounted on needs to allow SETUID for the owner to be changed with the chmod command.
Launch file %s is not marked as sticky.
A configuration launch file has not been created correctly.
The server attempts to continue, however this launch configuration is unusable.
Examine the file path and WORKDIR location. If the WORKDIR is correct, the installation configuration step for the WORKDIR might need to be rerun.
Configuration specifies AT-TLS, but AT-TLS rule is missing or invalid.
The configuration specifies ATTLS=Y, but an AT-TLS rule for the inbound connection was not found or was not 'ApplicationControlled'.
The ZCC server is shut down.
Contact your security administrator or system programmer to verify the AT-TLS configuration of your installation.
AT-TLS specified, but no protocol provided by SSL_REQUIRED parameter.
The configuration specifies ATTLS=Y, but the SSL_REQUIRED parameter does not specify a protocol value.
The ZCC server is shut down.
Contact your security administrator or system programmer to verify that the ZCC server configuration of your installation specifies a valid protocol that is supported by your AT-TLS configuration.
Insufficient storage available.
An attempt to acquire storage failed because insufficient storage was available.
The ZCC server is shut down.
Check your system for any task using excessive storage. Restart the server when sufficient storage is available.
SYSOUT=* not permitted in configuration.
The configuration file specified by the CONFIG DDÂ statement uses SYSOUT=*, which cannot be resolved by a started session.
The ZCC server is shut down.
Change the configuration member to specify a valid SYSOUT class.
PASSTK parameter expresses an invalid timeout value
Attempt to verify PASSTICKET environment failed, rc=nn
Verifying server PASSTICKET authority
Server PASSTICKET authority verification successful
APPLID parameter has an invalid value length