Using the Job Description panel
About this task
The information that you must provide to create a job description is described with more details in Creating job descriptions. The JOB DESCRIPTION dialog compresses the fields onto one panel, and makes some assumptions about the application that you creating.
- Enter the JOB DESCRIPTION dialog by selecting option 8 (JD) from the MAINTAINING DATA BASES
panel, or by entering
from the main menu. You see the MAINTAINING JOB DESCRIPTIONS panel:Figure 1. EQQJSUBP - Maintaining job descriptions EQQJSUBP ------------ MAINTAINING JOB DESCRIPTIONS --------------------- Option ===> Select one of the following: 1 BROWSE - Browse jobs 2 CREATE - Create a job 3 LIST - List jobs for further processing (browse, modify, copy, delete, print, calculate and print rundays, modify LTP) 4 PRINT - Perform printing of jobs 5 MASS UPDATE - Perform mass updating of jobs
panel. You see the CREATING A JOB panel with the settings from the
previous job description that you worked with:
Figure 2. EQQJCGPP - Creating a job EQQJCGPP ---------------------- CREATING A JOB -------------------------- Command ===> Edit data below: Enter the RUN command above to select run cycles or enter the DETAILS command to specify job details. JOBNAME - TEXT ===> payrecov - ________________________ OWNER: ID - TEXT ===> SAMPLE__________ - payroll application_____ CALENDAR ID ===> ________________ AUTHORITY GROUP ID ===> ____ VALID FROM - TO ===> 97/01/30 - 71/12/31 DURATION ===> 0005.00 RUN TIME FROM - TO ===> _____ - _____ TIME DEPENDENT ===> N WORK STATION ===> CPU1 PRIORITY ===> 5 JCL PREPARATION ===> Y JCL WS ===> SETP HIGHEST RETURN CODE ===> 0000 MANUAL INTERACTION ===> ________________________ MANUAL WS ===> ____ RUN CYCLES ===> ________ - ____ ________ - ____ ________ - __ ________ - ____ ________ - ____ ________ - __ PREDECESSORS ===> ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ SPECIAL ===> PAYROLL.DATABASE____________________________ 000001 X Y RESOURCES ____________________________________________ ______ _ _ _ ____________________________________________ ______ _ _ _ GROUP DEFINITION ===> ________________ SMOOTHING FACTOR ===> __0 LIMIT ===> 100 Deadline Feedback options
- On the CREATING A JOB panel, specify the characteristics of your
main operation and up to two predecessor operations:
- The name of the main operation. This is also the name of the job
description, and this operation is assigned number 015. You can add
operator text.
You cannot use the JOB DESCRIPTION panel if the APPLID keyword of the DBCSOPTS initialization statement specifies DBCS input, because the job name cannot be entered in DBCS bracketed format: use the APPLICATION DESCRIPTION panel instead if you need a double-byte character set application ID.
- The owner ID and a description.
- If you leave this blank, HCL Workload Automation for Z uses the calendar in the CALENDAR keyword of the BATCHOPT initialization statement, for batch services such as extending the long-term plan, or the calendar specified under the OPTIONS panel (0.2 from the main menu), for online services such as testing a rule with GENDAYS. If no calendar is specified, or the specified calendar does not exist, a calendar with the name DEFAULT will be used. If the DEFAULT calendar does not exist, all days are considered work days. You might have several calendars, but always call your default calendar DEFAULT, and specify the same calendar name on BATCHOPT and in the panel.
- This field can be used for security grouping and for reporting.
- The date range that this job description is valid.
- The estimated duration of the main operation.
- The input arrival time of the main operation (the FROM time) and
the deadline time of the main operation (the TO time). If the TO time
is less than the FROM time, the TO time is considered to be for the
day following the run day of the operation. Note: HCL Workload Automation for Z attempts to start an operation at the FROM time only if you specify that the operation should be time-dependent.
- For details of time-dependent operations, see Creating time-dependent operations.
- The workstation of the main operation.
- The priority of the main operation, from 1 (lowest) to 9 (urgent).
- Specifies whether a JCL preparation operation will precede the main operation and specifies its workstation. If you complete this field, a JCL preparation operation is created and is assigned operation number 005.
- The highest acceptable return code
from any step in the main operation. If a return code for a step in the job or
started task exceeds this value, the operation is set to
(ended-in-error) status, unless there is a match against a statement in the NOERROR initialization statement. If you must specify an acceptable nonzero return code for a particular step, or steps, use the NOERROR statement.For more details, see Using error codes to set operations to ended-in-error.
- The text for a manual operation that precedes this computer operation, and its workstation. If you complete these fields, a manual operation is created and is assigned operation number 010.
- Specifies up to six offset-based run cycles. For more information, see Creating run cycles for job descriptions.
- Names of other job descriptions that are made external predecessors of the main
operation. You can specify a generic name in this field: if there is more than one job description
with this job name, you get a list from which to choose the predecessor you need. If the plus sign
(+) is displayed to the right of the list, one of these is true:
- Some of the predecessors are standard application descriptions.
- There are more than five job-description predecessors.
- The external dependency is not to the main operation of a job description.
The external dependency that is set up between the job descriptions is between their main operations. See Specifying dependencies for details of the predecessor relationship between operations.
Enter the DETAILS command if you need to specify other predecessors.
- Specifies up to three resource names, with a quantity from 1 to
999 999 or blank (blank means allocate the whole quantity available),
allocation type S (shared) or X (exclusive), keep-on-error N (free),
Y (keep), or blank (default), and on complete N (no), Y (yes), or
blank (use system default). If you specify more than three special resources for a job description, the plus sign (+) is shown to the right of the last resource:
Figure 3. Specifying special resources for a job description PREDECESSORS ===> ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ SPECIAL ===> PAYROLL.DATABASE____________________________ 000001 X Y N RESOURCES LINES.TO.LONDON_____________________________ 000025 X N N TAPES_______________________________________ 000002 X Y Y + GROUP DEFINITION ===> ________________
- The group name, if this job description is to be part of a group.
- A value, from 0 to 999, that determines how much a measured deadline will change existing values in the application description database, both at run cycle and at operation level. For more details about deadline feedback options, see Using deadline feedback options.
- The limit for deadline feedback. You can specify a value from 100 to 999 that establishes the limits within which measured values are regarded as normal and acceptable. A measured value outside the limits is ignored. For more details about deadline feedback options, see Using deadline feedback options.