Creating a run cycle group
About this task
To create a run cycle group in ISPF, follow these steps:
- In the main HCL Workload Automation for Z panel select option 1 DATABASE.
- In the MAINTAINING DATA BASES panel, select option 10 RUN CYCLE.
- Press ENTER leaving all fields blank.
- In the ensuing panel, LIST OF RUN CYCLE GROUPS, type the CREATE
command.The CREATING A RUN CYCLE GROUP panel is displayed.
Figure 1. The CREATING A RUN CYCLE GROUP panel EQQAMRPL ---------------CREATING A RUN CYCLE GROUP---------------- ROW 1 TO 1 OF 1 Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE Enter/Change data below and in the rows, and/or enter any of the following row commands: I(nn) - Insert, R(nn),RR(nn) - Repeat, D(nn),DD - Delete S - Specify run days/Modify rule Enter the GENDAYS command to show the dates generated by this Run cycle group RUN CYCLE GROUP ID ===> ____________ Run cycle group name DESCRIPTION ===> ____________________________________________________________ OWNER ID ===> ________________________ Owner name INPUT HH.MM ===> 00.00 Input arrival time DEADLINE DAY/TIME ===> __ /______ Deadline CALENDAR ID ===> ________________________ Calendar name VARIABLE TABLE ===> ________________________ JCL variable table id In Out of Row Name of Input Deadline F day effect Effect cmd rule HH.MM day HH.MM Type rule YY/MM/DD YY/MM/DD Variable table .... _________ _____ ___ _____ _ _ ________ ________ ________________ Description: ______________________________________________________ Subset ID: _________ Calendar: _________________ ******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA *******************************
Important: In this panel, fields and row commands in red mean that a value is required. - Enter a name for the run cycle group. The name must be from 1
to 8 alphanumeric characters long and must start with a letter or
national character. This field is required.Attention: If you enter the name of an existing period, this name is checked for in the Periods database first and then among the run cycle groups in the Application Description database.
- Optionally, for the new run cycle group specify:
- A description of up to 50 characters
- The owner's name (from 1 to 16 characters)
- The default input arrival time that will be generated by this run cycle group in the HH.MM format. This field is optional, but if you do not specify here a value for the whole group, you will have to specify input arrival times for each run cycle of the group in the row commands section.
- The latest date and time that the occurrences generated by the run cycles of this group should complete. Specify the date in terms of the number of days (1-99) following the date of submission, and the time in the HH.MM format. This value applies to all the run cycles in the group, unless you specify deadline values also in the rows below. In this case, the group value is overruled by the deadline specified for the single run cycle.
- The name of a calendar used by the entire group (of up to 16 characters). If none is specified, the DEFAULT calendar is used.
- The name of the JCL variable table associated with the run cycle group (up to 16 characters).
- Use the row command line to create the individual run cycles as
rules. For each run cycle that is part of the group:
- Enter the D (delete), I (insert), or R (repeat) commands to add or edit a rule. Use the S (select) command to display a panel where you can specify rule selections or run day offsets.
- Specify a name that uniquely identifies this run cycle as a rule. The run cycles within a run cycle group can be defined uniquely as rules, not as periods with offsets.
- Specify the input arrival time for the run cycle in the HH.MM format. This time determines when occurrences of the application that use the run cycle group will be included in the current plan. The time you specify here overrules any IA time that was defined at run cycle group level. If no value is entered for either run cycle or group, the default is 00.00.
- Enter the latest date and time that the occurrences generated by this run cycle should complete. Specify the date in terms of the number of days (1-99) following the date of submission, and the time in the HH.MM format. If a value is entered here and one was specified for the run cycle group, the run cycle uses the deadline specified in the row.
- Specify one of the following values for the run cycle type:
- R
- Rule-based run cycle. Select days when the application is to be run.
- E
- Exclusion rule-based run cycle. Select days when the application is not to be run.
- A
- Rule-based run cycle. Select days when the application is to be run if they belong to all A types of the set of run cycles.
- D
- Exclusion rule-based run cycle. Select days when the application is not to be run if they belong to all D types of the set of run cycles.
E and D type run cycles generate negative occurrences in the LTP which cancel any positive occurrences for the same date and time generated by R or A type run cycles. Arrange the positive and their matching negative run cycles in subsets within the run cycle group.
- Specify how the run cycle handles free days defined in the calendar. For details, see Selecting a free-day rule.
- Specify the in-effect and out-of-effect dates. If you leave these blank, HCL Workload Automation for Z fills them in with today's date and 71/12/31, 31 December 2071. For details about using these dates, see Using in-effect/out-of-effect dates.
- Optionally, unless you specified a variable table at run cycle group level, enter the name of the variable table that will be used on the days selected by this run cycle. For information about job tailoring, see Job tailoring.
- Type a description of the rule.
- If the run cycle is part of a subset in the group (this might be convenient to match more run cycles against negative rules or to use the logical AND condition), enter the name of the subset. The name must be from 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters long and must start with a letter or national character.
- Enter the name of the calendar used, if different from the calendar specified for the group.
- Enter the S row command to specify the days that the rule will select or deselect and proceed to fill the MODIFYING A RULE panel, as described in Creating run cycles with rules
- Enter PF3 (End) to return to the RUN CYCLE GROUP panel and repeat the row command until you have added all the run cycles that make up the group.