HCL Workload Automation for SAP
With SAP support, you can use HCL Workload Automation to do the following tasks:
- Use HCL Workload Automation standard job dependencies and controls on SAP jobs.
- Create SAP jobs using the HCL Workload Automation interface.
- Schedule SAP jobs to run on specified days and times, and in a defined order.
- Define inter-dependencies between SAP jobs and jobs that run on different platforms.
- Define the national language support options.
- Use the SAP Business Warehouse Support function.
- Customize job execution return codes.
- Use SAP logon groups for load balancing and fault-tolerance.
- Work with SAP variants and placeholders.
- Use Business Component-eXternal Interface Background Processing (BC-XBP 2.0) interface support to:
- Intercept jobs
- Track child jobs
- Keep all job attributes when you rerun a job
- Raise events
Note: For more information about SAP, see Integration with SAP.
HCL Workload Automation launches jobs in SAP by using
jobs defined on the following workstations that support the r3batch access method:
- A HCL Workload Automation extended agent workstation. A workstation that is hosted by a fault-tolerant agent or master workstation.
- A dynamic agent workstation.
- A dynamic pool.
- A z-centric workstation.
These supported workstations use the r3batch access method to communicate with the
SAP system. The access method is used to pass SAP job-specific information to predefined SAP
instances. The access method uses information provided in an options file to connect and launch jobs
on an SAP instance.
Note: For more information about this, see Integration with SAP.
You can define multiple agent workstations to use the same host, by using multiple options entries or multiple options files. Using the SAP agent name as a key, r3batch uses the corresponding options file to determine which instance of SAP will run the job. It makes a copy of a template job in SAP and marks it as able to run with a start time of start immediate. It then monitors the job through to completion, writing job progress and status information to a job standard list found on the host workstation.