Use your mobile device to easily and quickly interact with your HCL Workload Automation environment.
Self-Service Catalog is a solution to automate routine business tasks and run them from mobile devices without having to install and learn about the whole HCL Workload Automation product.
With the Self-Service Dashboards app, you can use your mobile device to define one or more dashboards to monitor subsets of jobs and workstations.
You can use your mobile device to define and monitor dashboards containing the results of queries on jobs and workstations in your HCL Workload Automation environment.
Administrative tasks required to work with the Self-Service Dashboards app.
Mobile users can use their mobile devices to connect to the Self-Service Dashboards app and monitor jobs and workstations in an HCL Workload Automation environment.Mobile users can use their mobile devices to connect to the Self-Service Dashboards app and monitor jobs and workstations in a Workload Automation on Cloud environment.
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