Authenticating Orchestration CLI using API Keys

When you connect to HCL Workload Automation using Orchestration CLI for the first time, you need to authenticate the connection using API Keys.

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:
  • Downloaded the package for Orchestration CLI.
  • Created valid credentials in an authentication or authorization provider that uses the open protocol standard OpenID Connect.
  • Configured HCL Workload Automation to specify the instance where the authentication or authorization provider is running. For more information, see Configuring a user registry.


  1. Navigate to the directory where you have downloaded the files for Orchestration CLI.
  2. Run Orchestration CLI from the command line.
    Note: For windows, you can also use powershell to run the file.
  3. Type any Orchestration CLI command.
    ocli model list folder @

    An error message with a web link to create the API Key is displayed.

  4. Open the web link using any web browser.

    The login page of the authentication provider that you configured is displayed.

  5. Enter the username and password for the authorization provider.

    A message is displayed to indicate that the API Key has been successfully generated. This API Key gets automatically updated in the config.yaml file.


You have successfully established a connection with HCL Workload Automation from Orchestration CLI.

What to do next

You can fill in other mandatory fields in the config.yaml file and if already done, you can run any Orchestration CLI commands to achieve specific results. For more information, see Running commands from Orchestration CLI.