
This is a script that produces information about your HCL Workload Automation environment and your local workstation, and can take a snapshot of DB2 and WebSphere Application Server Liberty data on the master domain manager, saving them as a dated package.

It can also generate a report containing not only the results of the snapshot, but also many configuration and environment parameters. The tool is useful when describing a problem to HCL Software Support. For best results, it must be run as soon as the problem is discovered.

The wa_pull_info script replaces the back-level tws_inst_pull_info script ,which is no longer supported.


wa_pull_info -?
[-component DWC|TWS]
[-date yyyy-mm-dd]
[-output output_path]
-user userid
[-workdir working_directory]


Displays the usage of the command.
The component whose data you want to capture. Supported values are DWC and TWS. The default value is TWS. This parameter is optional.
Used as the base date for collected data logs. If not specified, the script uses the current date by default and the day before the current date. Run the data capture utility as soon as a problem occurs, to collect the data specific to the date and time of the problem. Thus, if the problem occurs on the current date, this option is not required. If the problem occurred earlier, then the date on which the problem occurred must be specified in the yyyy-mm-dd format. Either the current date or the specified date is used to identify which files and logs are extracted. This parameter is optional.
If you have performed a no-root installation, set this parameter to false: the tool uses the user specified with the -user parameter. The default value is true, which indicates you have installed the component using the root user. This parameter is required if you perform a no-root installation.
The base directory location where the collected data is stored. Ensure you have write access to the specified directory. This parameter is optional. The default value is as follows:
On Windows operating systems
On UNIX operating systems
Ensure you do not enter a path that contains the stdlist folder located in TWA_DATA_DIR.
The product user that you specified when you installed the component. If you performed a no-root installation, set the -isroot parameter to false. This user must exist in the registry file located on the master domain manager in the following path:
On Windows operating systems
On UNIX operating systems, if you installed as root
On UNIX operating systems, if you installed as no-root
user home dir/.TWS/etc/TWA
or on the Dynamic Workload Console in the following path:
On Windows operating systems
On UNIX operating systems, if you installed as root
On UNIX operating systems, if you installed as no-root
user home dir/.TWS/etc/TWA
or on the agent in the following path:
On Windows operating systems
On UNIX operating systems, if you installed as root
On UNIX operating systems, if you installed as no-root
user home dir/.TWS/etc/TWS/TWSRegistry.dat
This parameter is mandatory.
The working directory used by the command for storing data while running. When the command stops running, the working directory is deleted. Ensure you have write access to the specified directory and enough space is available. This parameter is optional. The default value is as follows:
On Windows operating systems
On UNIX operating systems
Ensure you do not enter a path that contains the stdlist folder located in TWA_DATA_DIR.


For more information, contact software support.