Creating a trial plan of a production plan extension

The following syntax is used to create a trial plan with the extension of the current production plan:

planman [connection_parameters] exttrial file_name

{-to mm/dd/[yy]yy[hh[:]mm[tz | timezone tzname]] |

-for [h]hh[:]mm [-days n] |

-days n}

Defines the settings to use when establishing the connection using HTTP or HTTPS through WebSphere Application Server Liberty to the master domain manager. For more information refer to Planman command line.
Assigns a name to the file to be created under the directory TWS_home/schedTrial and that contains the trial plan. The file name of the file containing the trial plan is Tfilename. This means that if the value assigned to file_name is myfile then the file name that contains the generated trial plan is Tmyfile.
Sets the end time of the trial plan containing the production plan extension. The -to argument is mutually exclusive with the -for and -days arguments.
Sets the length of the trial plan containing the production plan extension. The format is hhhmm, where hhh are the hours and mm are the minutes. The -for argument is mutually exclusive with the -to argument.
-days n
Sets the number of days you want the trial plan containing the production plan extension to last for. The -days argument is mutually exclusive with the -to argument.
Note: The format used for the date depends on the value assigned to the date format variable specified in the localopts file.

If no -to, -for, or -days arguments are specified then the default production plan extension contained in the trial plan is one day.

See also

From the Dynamic Workload Console you can perform the same task as described in:

Generating Trial and Forecast Plans.