Offline output

The ;offline option in conman commands is used to print the output of a command on a specified file. When you include it, the following shell variables control the output:
Specifies the destination file of a command's output. Set it to one of the following:
> outputfilename
Redirects output to a file and overwrites the contents of that file. If the file does not exist, it is created. For example:
MAESTROLP='> /tmp/outputfilename.txt'
>> outputfilename
Redirects output to a file and appends the output to the end of that file. If the file does not exist, it is created.
| command
Pipes output to a system command or process. The system command is run whether or not output is generated.
|| command
Pipes output to a system command or process. The system command is not run if there is no output.

The default value for MAESTROLP is | lp -tCONLIST which pipes the command output to the printer and places the title “CONLIST" in the printout's banner page.

Specifies the number of lines per page. The default is 60.
Specifies the number of characters per line. The default is 132.

The variables must be exported before running conman.