
This command prints Report 12-Cross Reference Report.


xref [-V|-U]

     [-cpu wkstat]

Run the command from the TWS_home directory.


Displays the command usage information and exits.
Displays the command version and exits.
-cpu wkstat
Specifies to print the report for the named workstation. The @ wildcard is permitted, in which case, information from all qualified workstations is included. The default is all workstations.
Specifies to print a report showing the job streams and jobs that are successors of each job.
Specifies to print a report showing the job streams and jobs that are dependent on each file.
Specifies to print a report showing the job streams in which each job is run.
Specifies to print a report showing the job streams and jobs that are dependent on each prompt.
Specifies to print a report showing the job streams and jobs that are dependent on each resource.
Specifies to print a report showing the job streams and jobs that are successors of each job stream.
Specifies to print a report showing job stream Include and Exclude dates.

If the command is run with no options, all workstations and all options are selected.


Print a report for all workstations, showing all cross-reference information:
Print a report for all workstations. Include cross-reference information about all successor dependencies:
xref -cpu @ -depends -schedules