HCL Workload Automation interfaces
The HCL Workload Automation has user interfaces from which you can manage your production environment.
About this task
You can manage your production environment from the following
user interfaces:
- Master domain manager command lines
- The master domain manager command lines are installed automatically when you install the master domain manager. This command lines interface are run only from the workstation serving as the master domain manager. From the command lines, you can administer the master specific binaries and options. A backup master domain manager command lines also exist on the master domain manager configured as backup instance.
- Dynamic Workload Console
- The web-based interface for creating, modifying, monitoring, controlling, and deleting HCL Workload Automation objects. You can interface with the console from any system in the network where a supported web browser is installed. When you install a Dynamic Workload Console also the z/OS® Connector is installed, which is a component that connects HCL Workload Automation for Z and the Dynamic Workload Console. For more information, see HCL Workload Automation for Z: Planning and Installation Guide.
- Command-line client
- A component of HCL Workload Automation installed
only with a fault-tolerant agent that
allows you to implement the following commands on the master domain
manager from another workstation: The commands you can use are the
- Composer
- Optman
- Planman showinfo and unlock (the other planman commands must be run locally on the master domain manager)
- dynamic workload broker command line
- Installed and configured automatically when you install a master domain manager. It includes commands to directly submit and manage jobs for dynamic scheduling, manage job JSDL definitions and resources, and more. See HCL Workload Automation: Scheduling Workload Dynamically for reference.
For a more detailed description of the HCL Workload Automation components, see HCL Workload Automation: Overview.