Directories created outside of TWA_home at installation time

The following list shows the directories that are created outside of TWA_home when you install HCL Workload Automation.

Windows operating systems
	%WINDIR%\system32\TWSRegistry.dat (32 bits)
	%WINDIR%\sysWOW64\TWSRegistry.dat (32 bits on 64 bits)
	%WINDIR%\TWSRegistry.dat (64 bits on 64 bits)
	%ProgramFiles%\tivoli\cit (or the path specified by %WINDiR%\cit\cit.ini)
	/opt/tivoli/cit (or the path specified by /etc/tivoli/cit/cit.ini)
HCL Workload Automation also installs some files in the following existing folders:
Note: If you want to check which files are stored in the etc directories, you can launch the following command: find /etc -name "*<tws_user>*"