
HCL Workload Automation maintains logs for different activities in different places.

The new cluster enablement pack introduces two trace files in the TWSInstallation Directory\stdlist\traces directory:
When the HCL Workload Automation custom resource is taken offline (each time a failover happens), the HCL Workload Automation custom resource launches the conman command line to stop and unlink the instance. In this log you can find the output of the command.
When the HCL Workload Automation custom resource is brought online (each time a failover happens), the HCL Workload Automation custom resource launches the conman command line to link the workstation to its domain manager. In this log you can find the output of the command conman link @!@;noask.

Any action the HCL Workload Automation custom resource follows is logged within the system cluster log file. This is a file named cluster.log located under the \%systemRoot%\cluster folder.