Reporting the changed host name or IP address of the dynamic workload broker server

About this task

The dynamic workload broker server is a component that HCL Workload Automation installs when you install the following components:
  • Master domain manager
  • Backup master domain manager
  • Dynamic domain manager
  • Backup dynamic domain manager

If you changed the host name or the IP address on the dynamic workload broker server, or if you installed a new one run the procedure described in Reporting the changes in the WebSphere Application Server Liberty configuration file.

If you changed the host name or the IP address on a master domain manager or backup master domain manager and you ran the Reporting the changes in the WebSphere Application Server Liberty configuration file procedure, skip this section.

If you changed the host name or the IP address on the dynamic domain manager or backup dynamic domain manager you do not need to change the definition of your broker workstation (type broker), because the value of the node attribute is set to the localhost value to allow to switch between the dynamic workload broker server and its backup.

After you ran the procedure, propagate the changes to the dynamic agent and update the ResourceAdvisorURL property in the JobManager.ini file on each agent connected to that dynamic workload broker server, by performing the following steps:
  1. Run the following command to stop the agent:
  2. Edit the JobManager.ini file and change the host name or the IP address in the ResourceAdvisorURL property.
  3. Run the following command to start the agent:
Perform the following changes:
  1. Open the file and change the value of the JDURL=https://host_name property to reflect the new host name or IP address.
  2. Open the file and change the value of the ITDWBServerHost=/host_name property to reflect the new host name or IP address.
  3. Open the file and change the value of the ResourceAdvisorURL=https://host_name property to reflect the new host name or IP address.
  4. From the <TWA_home>/TDWB/bin directory, run the following command:
    On Windows operating systems:
    On UNIX and Linux operating systems: 
    This command extracts a list of URIs (Uniform Resource Identifier) of all the dynamic workload broker instances from the HCL Workload Scheduler database and copies them to a temporary file. By default, the list of URIs is saved to the file, located in the current directory.
  5. Change all the entries that contain the old host name to reflect the new host name.
  6. Place the file back in the database, by running the following command:
    On Windows operating systems:
    On UNIX and Linux operating systems: 
  7. Stop WebSphere Application Server Liberty, by running the following command:
  8. Start WebSphere Application Server Liberty, by running the following command: