Global options - summary

This section summarizes the global options that are managed by optman. The columns in the tables have the following meanings:
The brief description of the option
The option as used in the optman commands.
Short name
The shortName as used in the optman commands.
The default value that is applied to the option at installation (if present).
The range or choice of values you can supply (where appropriate).
The units that apply to the default and range.
How to make any changes effective. The following codes have been used:
If you are enabling the option, start the Event Processor. If you are disabling the option, stop the Event Processor.
The change is effective immediately
Imm (DB)
The change is effective immediately in the database only.
Run JnextPlan.
J (Plan)
Run JnextPlan - it makes the change effective in the plan only.
The change is effective on the next submit job stream action.
The change is effective on the next send mail action.
The change is effective on the next change performed on a security object.
Restart WebSphere Application Server Liberty.

The following tables summarize the global options for managing the features and functions of HCL Workload Automation:

Table 1. Workload service assurance feature
Description Name Short name Default Range Units Effect
Enable workload service assurance enWorkloadServiceAssurance wa yes yes, no boolean J
Approaching late offset approachingLateOffset al 120 >=0 seconds J or W
Deadline offset deadlineOffset do 2 >=0 minutes J or W
Promotion offset promotionOffset po 120 >=0 seconds J
Enable forecast start time calculation enForecastStartTime st no yes, no boolean imm


Table 2. Condition-based workflow automation
Description Name Short name Default Range Units Effect
Name of the job which is automatically added to the plan to run the file monitoring task. fileStartConditionJobName fc file_StartCond 40 bytes Imm
Name of the job which is automatically added to the plan to resubmit a new instance of the job stream where the start condition is defined. resubmitJobName rj restart_StartCond 40 bytes Imm
Default offset set for the start condition deadline. startConditionDeadlineOffset cd 2400 0001 - 9959 hhmm Imm
Prevent job streams from completing in error when the start condition is not met enStartCondSuccOnDeadline od
Fresh installation
yes - no boolean J


Table 3. Event-driven workload automation feature - general
Description Name Short name Default Range Units Effect
Enable event driven workload automation enEventDrivenWorkloadAutomation ed yes yes, no boolean J or E
Rules deployment frequency deploymentFrequency df 5 0-60 minutes Imm
Enable event processor HTTPS protocol enEventProcessorHttpsProtocol eh yes yes, no boolean J
HCL event integration facility port for SSL eventProcessorEIFSslPort ef 31131 0 - 65535 port number W and J
HCL event integration facility port eventProcessorEIFPort ee 31131 0 - 65535 port number W and J
EIF Probe server name (used both for events in TEC and TBSM formats) TECServerName th localhost name J
EIF Probe server port (used both for events in TEC and TBSM formats) TECServerPort tp 5529 0 65535 port number J


Table 4. Event-driven workload automation feature - event mailing
Description Name Short name Default Range Units Effect
Mail sender name mailSenderName ms TWS name NSM
SMTP server name smtpServerName sn localhost name Imm
SMTP Server port smtpServerPort sp 25 0 65535 port number NSM
Mail plug-in uses SMTP authentication smtpUseAuthentication ua no yes, no boolean Imm
SMTP user name smtpUserName un TWS_user name Imm
SMTP user password smtpUserPassword up Imm
Mail plug-in uses SSL smtpUseSSL us no yes, no boolean Imm
Mail plug-in uses TLS protocol smtpUseTLS tl no yes, no boolean Imm


Table 5. Event-driven workload automation feature - HCL Workload Automation for Z plug-in
Description Name Short name Default Range Units Effect
HCL Workload Automation for Z connector remote server name zOSRemoteServerName zr name NSJ
HCL Workload Automation for Z connector server name zOSServerName zs localhost name NSJ
HCL Workload Automation for Z connector server port zOSServerPort zp 31217 0 65535 port number NSJ
HCL Workload Automation for Z connector user name zOSUserName zu TWS_user name NSJ
HCL Workload Automation for Z connector user password zOSUserPassword zw NSJ


Table 6. SSL
Description Name Short name Default Range Units Effect
Enable the SSL full connection enSSLFullConnection sf no yes, no boolean J
Enable strong password encryption enStrEncrypt se no yes, no boolean J


Table 7. Job management
Description Name Short name Default Range Units Effect
Maximum prompts after abend baseRecPrompt bp 1000 0 65535 prompts J
Additional prompts after abend extRecPrompt xp 1000 0 65535 prompts J
Concurrent access to resources enExpandedResources er yes yes, no boolean J
Automatically grant logon as batch enLogonBatch lb no yes, no boolean J
Long duration job threshold longDurationThreshold ld 150 100 - 1000 seconds J or W
User for binding to remote jobs from shadow job bindUser bu TWS_user Imm


Table 8. Job stream management
Description Name Short name Default Range Units Effect
Job streams without jobs policy enEmptySchedsAreSucc es no yes, no boolean J
Prevent job stream without "at" dependency from starting enPreventStart ps yes yes, no boolean J


Table 9. Stageman
Description Name Short name Default Range Units Effect
Carry job states carryStates cs null list of states J
Enable carry forward enCarryForward cf all all, no boolean J
Enable carry forward for internetwork dependencies enCFinterNetworkDeps ci yes yes, no boolean J
Enable carry forward resource quantity enCFResourceQuantity rq yes yes, no boolean J
Retain rerun job name enRetainNameOnRerunFrom rr no yes, no boolean J
Remove obsolete job streams untilDays ud 0 >=0 days J


Table 10. Planman
Description Name Short name Default Range Units Effect
Maximum preproduction plan length maxLen xl 8 8 - 365 days J
Minimum preproduction plan length minLen ml 8 7 - 365 days J


Table 11. Logging and auditing
Description Name Short name Default Range Units Effect
Log cleanup frequency logCleanupFrequency lc 5 0 - 60 minutes J
Log history period logHistory lh 10 >=0 days J
Logman minimum and maximum run time policy logmanMinMaxPolicy lm both literal J
Logman normal run time calculation policy logmanSmoothPolicy lt -1 0 - 100 factor J
Enable database auditing enDbAudit da 0 0, 1 boolean Imm
Type of store to be used to log database audit records auditStore as both db, file, both Imm
Audit history period auditHistory ah 180 >=1 days Imm
Enable auditing of database GET operations enDbGetOpsAudit dg 1 0, 1 boolean Imm


Table 12. Cross dependencies
Description Name Short name Default Range Units Effect
Number of days for retrying to send notifications about job status changes to the remote engine if the notification fails notificationTimeout nt 5 1-90 Number Imm




Table 13. ServiceNow
Description Name Short name Default Range Units Effect
Address of the ServiceNow server servicenowUrl nu name Imm
User who connects to the ServiceNow server servicenowUserName nn name Imm
Password associated with the user who connects to the ServiceNow server servicenowUserPassword np name Imm


Table 14. Automatic failover
Description Name Short name Default Range Units Effect
Enables or disables the automatic failover feature which invokes an automatic switch from the master domain manager, event manager, or both, to a backup. enAutomaticFailover af yes yes, no boolean W
Enables or disables automatic failover actions, such as, the automatic switch of the master or automatic restart of the fault-tolerant agent. This option takes effect only if the enAutomaticFailover option is set to yes enAutomaticFailoverActions aa yes yes, no boolean W
A comma-separated list of workstation names, including the current event manager workstation, that serve as backups for the event manager workstation when the automatic failover feature is enabled. If an eligible workstation is defined in a folder, use the composer li ws @;showid command to retrieve the ID of the workstation you plan to define as backup. workstationEventMgrListInAutomaticFailover we comma-separated list of workstation names. The maximum length is 256 bytes. name W
A comma-separated list of workstations, including the current master domain manager, that serve as backups for the master domain manager when the automatic failover feature is enabled. If an eligible workstation is defined in a folder, use the composer li ws @;showid command to retrieve the ID of the workstation you plan to define as backup. workstationMasterListInAutomaticFailover wm comma-separated list of workstation names. The maximum length is 256 bytes. name W



Table 15. Licensing configuration
Description Name Short name Default Range Units Effect
Password of the proxy server. licenseProxyPassword pw N/A string Imm
IP of the proxy server. licenseProxyServer lp N/A number Imm
Port of the proxy server. licenseProxyServerPort lo N/A number Imm
User of the proxy server. licenseProxyUser pb N/A string Imm
ID of the license server which processes license usage information. licenseServerId lr N/A Imm
URL of the license server which processes license usage information. licenseServerUrl lu Imm
Type of accepted license for HCL Workload Automation licenseType ln ws ws, wa , byworkstation J
Specify the default license type for HCL Workload Automation workstations. defaultWksLicenseType wn
In a Docker environment
perJobin a fresh installation and perServerin upgrade.
In an on-premises environment
Table 16. General
Description Name Short name Default Range Units Effect
Company name companyName cn name J
Delete folders folderDays fd 10 0 - 10 days J
Enable centralized security in the classic security model enCentSec ts no yes, no boolean J
Evaluate start-of-day enLegacyStartOfDayEvaluation le no yes, no boolean J
Enable list security check enListSecChk sc no yes, no boolean J (Plan) Imm (DB)
Enable plan auditing enPlanAudit pa 0 0, 1 boolean Imm
Enable security file creation in the role-based security model enRoleBasedSecurityFileCreation rs no yes,no boolean Imm
Enable extended field support in the security file. enSecFileExtendedFields sl no yes, no boolean NOC
Enable the fault-tolerant switch manager enSwfaultTol sw no yes, no boolean J
Enable time zones enTimeZone (deprecated) tz yes yes, no boolean J (Plan) Imm (DB)
Enable What-if Analysis enWhatIfAnalysis wi yes yes, no boolean J
Ignore calendars ignoreCals ic no yes, no boolean J
Start time of processing day startOfDay sd 0000 0000 2359 hhmm J
Job statistics history period statsHistory sh 10 >=0 days J (Plan) Imm (DB)
Critical Jobs Risk Confidence riskConfidence rc 80% in fresh installation, 50% in upgrade 1-99 Number Imm