Network configuration availability
After a system reboot, network services might be slow to start and if the agent starts when network services are not yet ready, the agent cannot work properly.
To prevent this problem, the agent waits sixty seconds and then retries to retrieve the network configuration. The agent repeats this operation for 5 times, that is, it waits for a total of 5 minutes for the network configuration to become available. If all attempts fail, the agent stops working.
You can configure the number of times the agent waits for network configuration
availability in the ITA section of the ita.ini
file, as follows:
- Browse to the path where the ita.ini file is located:
- On UNIX™ operating systems
- TWA_DATA_DIR/ITA/cpa/ita/ita.ini
- On Windows™ operating systems
- TWA_homeTWS\ITA\cpa\config\ita.ini
- Edit the setting for the net_conf_wait parameter defining the number of times the agent retries to retrieve the network configuration, waiting sixty seconds between each attempt. If the number of attempts you have defined expires without the agent being able to retrieve the network configuration, the agent stops working.