A communication error has occurred with HCL Workload Automation for Z. The IP address: "z/OS_node_IP_address" is not valid.

See message.

z/OS_node_IP_address is the IP address of the HCL Workload Automation for Z node in the configuration of the connector.

The program cannot proceed.

Check the IP address of the connection node for HCL Workload Automation for Z. Check the value stored in the connector's configuration file. If the two do not match, correct the latter. Retry the operation.


Invalid IP portnumber: {0}.


A communication error has occurred with HCL Workload Automation for Z. The following TCP/IP socket I/O error was given: "IP_socket_I/O_error" with the reason "reason_message".

See message.

IP_socket_I/O_error is the TCP/IP socket I/O error that was given when the connector tried to make the connection.

reason_message gives further information about the error.

The program cannot proceed.

Resolve the TCP/IP error using the documentation of your operating system or networking software. Retry the operation.


A communication error has occurred with HCL Workload Automation for Z. The remote connection has closed: "TCP/IP_error_code".

See message.

TCP/IP_error_code is the error code given when the connection closed.

The program cannot proceed.

Resolve the TCP/IP error using the documentation of your operating system or networking software. Retry the operation.


A communication error has occurred with HCL Workload Automation for Z. The connection wait has exceed the timeout of "timeout" milliseconds, for {1}.

See message.

timeout is the length of the timeout period in milliseconds.

The program cannot proceed.

Check the network to determine why the connection has timed out. Resolve the network problem and retry the operation. If the timeout is too short, edit the configuration file of the connector to set a longer timeout period.


An internal application error has occurred. Unsupported Filter of type {0}.


An internal application error has occurred. Unsupported Filter type.


An internal application error has occurred. The type {0} for the resource is invalid.


An internal application error has occurred. Invalid extension found when {0} was expected.


An internal application error has occurred. Expected property not found .


An internal application error has occurred. Invalid structure found when {0} was expected.


An internal application error has occurred. No target workstation found.


The selected job is the last one of the job stream..


An internal application error has occurred. Invalid value for field {0}.


An internal application error has occurred. Invalid value {0} for field {1} : must be {2} <= {3} <= {4} .


An internal application error has occurred. Invalid value {0} for field {0}.


An internal application error has occurred. Invalid value {0} for field {1}.


An internal application error has occurred. Invalid id value {0}.


The Connector can't provide the required action on the specified Lock Transaction. Possible reasons are: 1) Maintenance of the OPC Connector 2) Persistence of lock too long 3) Internal application error.


The End Time must be bigger or equal than the Start Time.


The {0} method must be called in the same transaction in which {1} has been called..


The {0} method must be called in a transaction..


PIF Error : id={0}, variables={1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8},{9},{10}.


An internal application error has occurred. Unexpected value in field {0} (in file {1} at line {3}).


An internal application error has occurred. Unexpected value {0} in field {1} (in file {2} at line {3}).


An internal application error has occurred. Unexpected value {0} in field {1} (in file {2} at line {3}).


An internal application error has occurred. Unexpected value '{0}' in field {1} (in file {2} at line {3}).


An internal application error has occurred. Invalid timer value ({0}): found {1}.


An internal application error has occurred. Invalid timer value ({0}): unexpected end of string.


An internal application error has occurred. Invalid timer value ({0}): expected an integer value, found {1}.


An internal application error has occurred. Invalid timer value ({0}): unknown primitive found {1}.


An internal application error has occurred. Invalid timer value ({0}): expected {2}, found {1}.


An internal application error has occurred. Invalid timer value ({0}): mismatch with OPC rules - the input rule generates {1} OPC rule that is not equivalent. The timer values do not have all the combinations that are equivalent to the OPC rule.


An internal application error has occurred. Invalid timer value: cannot convert to an OPC rule.


An internal application error has occurred. Invalid timer value ({0}): cannot use Only and Every rules mixed in the same timer value.


An internal application error has occurred. Invalid timer value ({0}): invalid numeric value found : {1} <= {2} <= {3}.


An internal application error has occurred. Invalid timer value ({0}): cannot use two different values for originshift in the same timer value.


The connector cannot provide the next block of query results.


OPC does not recognize user {0}.


An internal application error has occurred. Unsupported value for field {0} .


An internal application error has occurred. You are using a down-level version of the Dynamic Workload Console, which supports only default values for settings implemented with the latest version of the Dynamic Workload Console.


An internal resource adapter error has occurred : "error".

See message.

error is the error message returned by the internal resource adapter.

The program cannot proceed.

This is an internal error. If you cannot resolve the problem, search the IBM Support database for a solution at Support.


The requested engine "engine" is not defined.

The z/OS connector has been asked to connect to an engine by the Dynamic Workload Console, but the engine is not defined in the application server. They are either defined automatically when the z/OS Connector is installed, or can be defined manually.

The program cannot proceed.

Determine from the operation being performed which engine you were trying to connect to. Check the engine name. Check the names of the engines that are defined for the application server. Ensure that the engine definitions correspond. Define any missing engines, or redefine any engines defined incorrectly. Retry the operation.

IBM® Workload Automation: Dynamic Workload Console User's Guide for information about configuring the z/OS connector.


The object you are trying to access in the HCL Workload Automation for Z database or plan is already locked by the user {0}.

See message.

The program cannot proceed.

This is normally a temporary problem. Retry the operation. If the problem persists, check with other users to determine who is using the object. Unlock the object and retry the operation.


You cannot access the JCL log in a z/OS engine version earlier than version 8.1.

The GetJoblog operation is not supported for z/OS engines earlier than version 8.1.

The operation is not performed.

The JCL log must be accessed from the z/OS instance where it was created.


You cannot remove the last job from a job stream in the plan.

A job stream cannot exist without jobs. If you want to completely replace all the jobs in a job stream with other jobs, you should add at least one of the new jobs before deleting any of the old jobs.

The operation is not performed.

If you want to completely replace all the jobs in a job stream with other jobs, you should add at least one of the new jobs before deleting any of the old jobs.


The HTTP request failed because of the following error: "error".

An internal error occurred. Check the message for more information.

The operation is not performed.

Check the message and try to resolve the error based on the message. Retry the operation.


Resource is unknown.

The broker server gets the request and replies with an error

The operation is not performed.

Check the message and try to resolve the error based on the message. Retry the operation.


Resource already exists.

The broker server gets the request and replies with an error

The operation is not performed.

Check the message and try to resolve the error based on the message. Retry the operation.


Operation failed.

The broker server gets the request and replies with an error

The operation is not performed.

Check the message and try to resolve the error based on the message. Retry the operation.


Unsupported operation.

The broker server gets the request and replies with an error

The operation is not performed.

Check the message and try to resolve the error based on the message. Retry the operation.


Invalid request.

The broker server gets the request and replies with an error

The operation is not performed.

Check the message and try to resolve the error based on the message. Retry the operation.


Illegal statement.

The broker server gets the request and replies with an error

The operation is not performed.

Check the message and try to resolve the error based on the message. Retry the operation.


Service unavailable.

The broker server gets the request and replies with an error

The operation is not performed.

Check the message and try to resolve the error based on the message. Retry the operation.


Requested resource not found.

The broker server gets the request and replies with an error

The operation is not performed.

Check the message and try to resolve the error based on the message. Retry the operation.


Resource name not unique.

The broker server gets the request and replies with an error

The operation is not performed.

Check the message and try to resolve the error based on the message. Retry the operation.


Invalid protocol. Only HTTP, HTTPS accepted.

The broker server gets the request and replies with an error

The operation is not performed.

Check the message and try to resolve the error based on the message. Retry the operation.


Server host not specified.

The broker server gets the request and replies with an error

The operation is not performed.

Check the message and try to resolve the error based on the message. Retry the operation.


Protocol not specified.

The broker server gets the request and replies with an error

The operation is not performed.

Check the message and try to resolve the error based on the message. Retry the operation.


Server port not specified.

The broker server gets the request and replies with an error

The operation is not performed.

Check the message and try to resolve the error based on the message. Retry the operation.


The connection is already initialized.

The broker server gets the request and replies with an error

The operation is not performed.

Check the message and try to resolve the error based on the message. Retry the operation.


The connection is not initialized.

The broker server gets the request and replies with an error

The operation is not performed.

Check the message and try to resolve the error based on the message. Retry the operation.


Error opening connection.

The broker server gets the request and replies with an error

The operation is not performed.

Check the message and try to resolve the error based on the message. Retry the operation.


Server HTTP response code not ok (e.g. HTTP response 400).

The broker server gets the request and replies with an error

The operation is not performed.

Check the message and try to resolve the error based on the message. Retry the operation.


The broker server is unreachable.

The broker server gets the request and replies with an error

The operation is not performed.

Check the message and try to resolve the error based on the message. Retry the operation.


The contacted server port is wrong.

The broker server gets the request and replies with an error

The operation is not performed.

Check the message and try to resolve the error based on the message. Retry the operation.


Time-out expired during the communication .

The broker server gets the request and replies with an error

The operation is not performed.

Check the message and try to resolve the error based on the message. Retry the operation.


Error streaming data from/to the broker server.

The broker server gets the request and replies with an error

The operation is not performed.

Check the message and try to resolve the error based on the message. Retry the operation.


Error initializing SSL channel.

The broker server gets the request and replies with an error

The operation is not performed.

Check the message and try to resolve the error based on the message. Retry the operation.


Error while sending data to the broker server.

The broker server gets the request and replies with an error

The operation is not performed.

Check the message and try to resolve the error based on the message. Retry the operation.


Error initializing SSL channel.

The broker server gets the request and replies with an error

The operation is not performed.

Check the message and try to resolve the error based on the message. Retry the operation.


Generic internal communication error.

The broker server gets the request and replies with an error

The operation is not performed.

Check the message and try to resolve the error based on the message. Retry the operation.


Error allocating/deallocating memory.

The broker server gets the request and replies with an error

The operation is not performed.

Check the message and try to resolve the error based on the message. Retry the operation.


The object you are trying to access in the HCL Workload Automation for Z database or plan is already locked.

See message.

The program cannot proceed.

This is normally a temporary problem. Retry the operation. If the problem persists, check with other users to determine who is using the object. Unlock the object and retry the operation.


The plugin plugin was not found on the server. The error is error.

See message.

The operation is not performed.



The plugin plugin has version plugin version 1 that is newer than plugin version 2.

The plugin on the agent is already at the current level.

The operation is not performed.



The plugin plugin cannot be updated because the new version requires the agent version version 1 while the current version is version 2.

The plugin on the agent requires a later agent version.

The operation is not performed.



The plugin plugin was not found on the server. The error is error.

An error occurred accessing the plugin jar file.

The operation is not performed.



An unexpected PIF error occurred. Contact Software Support. plugin was not found on the server. The error is error.

See message.

The operation is not performed.

Contact Software Support.