Greater business agility with workflow folders
Gain greater business agility by categorizing your jobs and job streams in a hierarchy of folders organized by lines of business, departments, geographies, or any other custom categories that make sense for your business operations.
Workflow folders enable business-oriented triggering and monitoring of activities related to jobs and job streams. A hierarchy of folders can be used to group jobs and job streams according to your lines of business, departments, geographies, or other custom categories that make sense for your business operations. Filtering for and monitoring your jobs and job streams defined in folders means you no longer have to rely on complicated and restrictive naming conventions. Furthermore, you can associate access control lists to individual folders to manage the security of your jobs and job streams.
You can create folders with different levels of authorization that define the set of actions that users or groups can perform on the objects defined in each folder. More than one folder can be associated tot he same Access Control List (ACL), and the level of security is also applied to any sub-folders. Each ACL assigns security roles to user or groups, in a specific security domain or folder.
For more information, see Designing Folders
For working with folders from the composer and conman command line, see Job definition, Job stream definition, Folder definition, and Composer commands.
For an overview on folders, watch the video, Greater business agility and enforced security of Lines Of Business with workflow folders, on the