Orchestration CLI extended to include model commands
Orchestration CLI is a stand-alone command-line application that you can download and install independently without requiring any other HCL Workload Automation component. You can install Orchestration CLI on any workstation where you want to manage and control workflows. It is designed to replace the composer and conman commands, by providing a more modern, efficient, and versatile interface. By using Orchestration CLI, you can automate tasks efficiently, reducing manual effort and operational overhead. Orchestration CLI helps you streamline command-line interactions, enhance cross-platform compatibility, and build a more efficient workload automation process. It also simplifies maintenance, lowers costs, and minimizes IT requirements.
Orchestration CLI also provides a more modern and user-friendly interface, and is designed to be intuitive and efficient, making it easier for administrators and users to complete tasks. It combines modernity, compatibility, and enhanced functionality, when compared to the conman and composer command line.
In addition to the plan commands, already available in previous releases, model commands are now available in the Orchestration CLI. You can use these commands to create or modify the object definitions for folders, jobs, job streams, and other scheduling or security items in replacement of the corresponding composer commands.
For more information, see Orchestration CLI commands.