Configuring log message properties [JobManager.Logging.cclog]
About this task
To configure the logs, edit the [JobManager.Logging.cclog]
section in the JobManager.ini
file. This procedure
requires that you stop and restart the HCL Workload Automation agent
- JobManager.loggerhd.fileName
- The name of the file where messages are to be logged. the default value is
On Windows operating systems
On UNIX operating systems
- $(TWA_DATA_DIR)/stdlist/JM/JobManager_message.log
- JobManager.loggerhd.maxFileBytes
- The maximum size that the log file can reach. The default is 1024000 bytes.
- JobManager.loggerhd.maxFiles
- The maximum number of log files that can be stored. The default is 3.
- JobManager.loggerhd.fileEncoding
- By default, log files for the agent are coded in UTF-8 format. If you want to produce the log in a different format, add this property and specify the required codepage.
- JobManager.loggerfl.level
- The amount of information to be provided in the logs. The value ranges from 3000 to 7000. Smaller numbers correspond to more detailed logs. The default is 3000.
- JobManager.ffdc.maxDiskSpace
- Exceeding this maximum disk space, log files collected by the first failure data capture mechanism are removed, beginning with the oldest files first.
- JobManager.ffdc.baseDir
- The directory to which log and trace files collected by the ffdc tool are copied. The
default directory is
On Windows operating systems
- TWA_home\stdlist\JM\JobManager_message.log
On UNIX operating systems
- $(TWA_DATA_DIR)/stdlist/JM/JobManager_message.log
- JobManager.ffdc.filesToCopy
- Log and trace files (JobManager_message.log and
JobManager_trace.log) collected by the ffdc tool located in
<TWA_home>\TWS\stdlist\JM. The files are
available in the following paths:
On Windows operating systems
- TWA_home/TWS/stdlist/JM/JobManager_message.log
- TWA_home/TWS/stdlist/JM/JobManager_trace.log
On UNIX operating systems
- $(TWA_DATA_DIR)/stdlist/JM/JobManager_message.log
- $(TWA_DATA_DIR)/stdlist/JM/JobManager_trace.log
When a message is logged (JobManager.ffdc.triggerFilter = JobManager.msgIdFilter) that has an ID that matches the pattern "AWSITA*E" (JobManager.msgIdFilter.msgIds = AWSITA*E), which corresponds to all error messages, then the log and trace files (JobManager.ffdc.filesToCopy = "/opt/HCL/TWA_<TWS_user>/TWS/stdlist/JM/JobManager_message.log" "/opt/HCL/TWA_<TWS_user>/TWS/stdlist/JM/JobManager_trace.log") are copied (JobManager.ffdc.className = ccg_ffdc_filecopy_handler) to the directory JOBMANAGER-FFDC (JobManager.ffdc.baseDir = /opt/HCL/TWA_<TWS_user>/TWS/stdlist/JM/JOBMANAGER-FFDC). If the files copied exceed 10 MB (JobManager.ffdc.maxDiskSpace = 10000000), then the oldest files are removed first (JobManager.ffdc.quotaPolicy = QUOTA_AUTODELETE).
After installing the z-centric agent or dynamic agent on Windows 2012, the JobManager_message.log might not be created. In this case, perform the following procedure:- Stop the agent.
- Create a backup copy of JobManager.ini, and edit the original file
by changing the
toJobManager.loggerhd.className = ccg_multiproc_filehandler
JobManager.loggerhd.className = ccg_filehandler
- Restart the agent.