Rerunning an occurrence in the current plan from a specific operation
If an occurrence is still in the current plan, you
can rerun it from a particular operation if all external dependencies
for that occurrence are in READY
status (R, *, or
A). To do so, select the occurrence with the row command R on the MODIFYING OCCURRENCES IN THE CURRENT
PLAN panel (EQQMOCLL - Modifying
occurrences in the current plan). The RERUNNING AN OCCURRENCE IN THE CURRENT PLAN panel (EQQMROCL
- Rerunning an occurrence in the current plan) is displayed, where you can
specify which operation in the occurrence you want to restart from.
EQQMROCL -------- RERUNNING AN OCCURRENCE IN THE CURRENT PLAN ROW 1 TO 1 OF 1 Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE Enter/change data below and/or enter any of the following row commands: S - Set restart point, RC - Restart and Cleanup, L - Browse joblog, J - Edit JCL, O - Browse operator instructions, MH - Manual HOLD oper, MR - Manual RELEASE oper, NP - NOP oper, or UN - Undo NOP oper, FSR - Fast path SR, FJR - Fast path JR, FSC - Fast path SC LJ - Browse joblog via ITOM Application : APP1 application 1 Input arrival : 03/04/29 20.17 Calendar name : DEFAULT DEADLINE DATE ===> 03/05/01 Date in format YY/MM/DD DEADLINE TIME ===> 22.00 Time in format HH.MM PRIORITY ===> 7 1-9 where 1=low, 8=high and 9=urgent ERROR CODE ===> ____ For reporting purposes Row Operation Jobname Status Error Man Nop Cln Log cmd ws no. text code Hld T S Stat '' CPU1 050 job1 in app1 JOB1 E JCL N N A ******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA *******************************
- Using the TABLE ROW COMMANDS panel (see EQQSRCLP - Table Row Commands panel )
- Selecting Rerun the occurrence from the Occurrence menu in the OPERATION IN THE CURRENT PLAN panel (see Occurrence).
When rerunning an occurrence, you can choose to restart the step or the job. To do this, you must select which step will be the restart point by using the S command on the RERUNNING AN OCCURRENCE IN THE CURRENT PLAN panel. The operation status of the restart point is then set to R (ready). From that step forward in the occurrence, the statuses of the operations are automatically modified to waiting. In cases where an operation changes from C (complete) status to either R (ready) or W (waiting) status, you must decide if cleanup actions on the data sets should be performed. When you request restart and cleanup actions and job log information is available, you can choose to restart the operation from a particular step. The scheduler automatically tailors and verifies the job for restart. Use the OPERATION RESTART AND CLEANUP panel (EQQRCLSE - Operation restart and cleanup) to initiate restart and cleanup actions.
EQQRCLSE --------------- OPERATION RESTART AND CLEANUP ----------------------- Option ===> Application : APLIC 01/02/26 13.10 Operation : CPUA 10 Jobname and jobid : JOB1 JOB00163 Clean Up Result : Edit JCL ===> N Edit JCL before Restart Expanded JCL ===> Y Use Expanded JCL Select one of the following: 1 STEP RESTART - Request a Step Restart 2 JOB RESTART - Request a Job Restart 3 START CLEANUP - Request Cleanup 4 DISPLAY CLEANUP - Display Cleanup result
For additional details about restart and cleanup actions at the job or step-level, see Handling operations that end in error.
If there are conditional or external dependencies defined on the operation, they are included on the LIST DEPENDENCY STATUS CHANGE panel (EQQMOSTL - List dependency status change) that is displayed automatically. From the RERUNNING AN OCCURRENCE IN THE CURRENT PLAN panel, you can modify the jobs of the dependent operations before HCL Workload Automation for Z resets them. The modified job is saved in the JCL repository when you exit and confirm the occurrence rerun. As in rerunning occurrences, the same procedures apply to dependencies.
You can use RERUN to reset dependent occurrences that have already completed. This can save you the trouble of adding the occurrences again if you need to rerun all or part of a business system and occurrences have not been planned out of the current plan. You select the point from which you must start the rerun and all successor dependencies are automatically set to waiting status.
EQQMOSTL -------------- LIST DEPENDENCY STATUS CHANGE ------ ROW 1 TO 2 OF 2 Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE Enter row command S to edit the JCL for the dependency operations, or enter row command RC restart and cleanup, L to browse joblog, MH Manually HOLD oper, MR Manually RELEASE oper, NP NOP oper, LJ - Browse joblog via ITOM, UN Undo Application : PAYBACKP backup payroll database Input arrival : 03/04/29 12.00 Owner : SAMPLE Status : W Calendar name : MONTHLY Row Dependency Stat M N Dep Nest. Pred Cln cmd Application id Input arrival WS Jobname O N H P typ level type T S L '' PAYBACKP 09/04/29 12.00 CPU1 PAYBACKP W C N N PC 1 Y '' PAYDAILY 09/04/29 12.00 CPU1 PAYDAILY E C N N P 2 N ******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA *******************************
The list includes both non-conditional and conditional dependencies.
- Normal dependencies on completed predecessors. This is the default behavior, however, you can configure the behavior so that dependencies are retained, even after they are resolved. Refer to the KEEPCOMPDEPS parameter in the BATCHOPT initialization statement documented in Customization and Tuning.
- Evaluated conditions, both true and false. Single condition dependencies are removed provided that the corresponding condition is not undefined.
- Modifies conditional predecessors to completed and conditional successors to waiting, as for standard dependencies.
- Sets to
True - Forced by rerun
the conditions on the conditional predecessors.It applies even if those conditions are on operations that are not involved in the rerun processing.
- Sets to
Undefined - Forced by rerun
the conditions on the conditional successors. Such conditions might include dependencies with different status values, for example a combination of all the possible status values: undefined because not evaluated yet, true, false, or undefined because of missing step-end information.
- Row commands are usually executed immediately. Thus, if you cancel the rerun against which you have issued a NOP command, the operation remains removed (no-oped), because the NOP command has already been processed.
- If at some point an operation was set to HOLD or NOP, the HOLD or NOP status will stay in effect when the occurrence is set to rerun. To see which operations have been set to HOLD or NOP, request a list of the operations using option 5.3.
- Rerunning an occurrence is a powerful request that
might reset the status of the job network including the restart point.
In particular, it is the only manual request that can reset the suppressed
by condition status.
Therefore consider using HOLD or NOP command for any impacted operation that is to be prevented from starting.
- When an operation is rerun, HCL Workload Automation for Z uses the job that was last submitted for the operation.
- Same restrictions apply as for changing the operation status to ready by selecting option 6 (GENERAL) from the MODIFYING AN OPERATION IN THE CURRENT PLAN panel. In particular, a step or job restart request might imply a request to change to ready the status of an operation with conditional successors already started, completed, suppressed by condition, or ended in error. In this case the scheduler issues message EQQM208E. Only when rerunning an occurrence you might indirectly obtain this kind of change.