Creating VOBs
Most administrators use storage locations (stglocs) to configure VOB storage on a filer.
Here is a sample mkstgloc command for all OS's except Solaris. Note that it specifies the explicit mount point for the -hpath (used by the VOB server itself) and the creation path, and an automounted path for the -gpath (used by HCL VersionVault full clients to access storage pools).
cleartool mkstgloc -vob -host hostname -hpath /nfs4-filer/vol/cc_acl_nfsv4/stg/vobhost.vobs -gpath /net/filer/vol/cc_acl_nfsv4/stg/vobhost.vobs vobhost.vobs /nfs4-filer/vol/cc_acl_nfsv4/stg/vobhost.vobs
For Solaris, use this
cleartool mkstgloc -vob -host hostname -hpath /nfs4-filer/stg/solaris.vobs -gpath /net/filer/vol/cc_acl_nfsv4/stg/solaris-host.vobs solaris.vobs /nfs4-filer/stg/solaris.vobs
Create the VOB:
cleartool mkvob -stgloc vobhost.vobs -tag /my/vob/tag
A warning like the following
cleartool: Warning: File system does not support ACLs: "s/sdft".
cleartool: Warning: File system does not support ACLs: "d/ddft".
cleartool: Warning: File system does not support ACLs: "c/cdft".
means that NFSv4 ACLs are not working properly. Review
and correct your configuration.