Completing the installation on a license server host

If you are using the Atria licensing model, create a license database file on each host that you have selected to be a license server host. This file must contain the license authorization code obtained from HCL.

About this task

You can skip this procedure if the following condition is true:
  • You are upgrading from a previous HCL VersionVault release, unless you have purchased additional licenses or want to change the license server host.


  1. To understand VersionVault licensing model options, read the following documentation:
    • The clearlicense reference page in VersionVault Command Reference
  2. Open your license database file (/var/adm/hcl/versionvault/license.db) in a text editor.
    For example:
    # vi /var/adm/hcl/versionvault/license.db 
  3. Enter the license authorization code as a line of text beginning with –license, exactly as it appears on the form provided by HCL (or its designee).

    All lines in the license.db file must be terminated with a new line character.

  4. (Optional) After the –license line, enter one or more –user lines to specify users' license priorities, in order of priority.
    For example:
    -user susan     (highest priority)
    -user jo        (next highest priority)
    Note: This step can be performed later.
  5. Use the clearlicense command to verify that all HCL VersionVault products have been properly licensed.