VersionVault Search Results
This VersionVault Search Results view displays the results of VersionVault searches.
When you use the VersionVault Search dialog box to search for files in VersionVault views, the results are returned in the VersionVault Search Results view. You can select resources from this view and perform applicable VersionVault operations (such as checking in checked-out files, for example, or adding view-private resources to source control) on them.
Columns in the table
The following columns are displayed in the VersionVault Search Results table.
Column name | Column description |
Resource Name | The name of a resource that meets the specified search criteria. |
State | The VersionVault state of the resource. |
Full Path | The full path name to the resource in the VersionVault view's copy area. |
You can sort the table by any column,
in ascending or descending lexical order. Click any column header
to sort by that column, or click the icon on the toolbar and select Sort to
specify sorting options. You can also adjust the size of each column.
Any changes you make to the sort order or column size are automatically
saved for the associated object and are applied every time you view
that object in the current and subsequent sessions.