Restoring HCL VersionVault registry data after upgrade
If the upgrade process required you to install HCL VersionVault in a new directory path, restore the HCL VersionVault registry configuration and data.
About this task
After you upgrade an HCL VersionVault registry server, restore the registry files and client database from the backup versions that were created before upgrading.
- Copy the registry server files from the backup version
to the HCL
VersionVault registry
- Windows: C:\Program Files\HCL\CCM\VersionVault\var\rgy
- Linux and UNIX: versionvault-home-dir/var/adm/hcl/versionvault/rgy
- Copy the client list from backup version to the following
- Windows: C:\Program Files\HCL\CCM\VersionVault\var\client_list.db
- Linux and UNIX: versionvault-home-dir/var/adm/hcl/versionvault/client_list.db