Prerequisites for creating a new VOB replica
Before you create a new VOB replica, you must perform these steps at the original site.
- Make sure MultiSite licenses
are installed.After you enter the mkreplica –export command, developers who use the original VOB cannot access it without a MultiSite license (in addition to an HCL VersionVault license). For example,
clearlicense –product multisite Licensing information for MultiSite. License server on host "cclicense". Running since Thursday 07/01/05 12:27:28. LICENSES: Max-Users Expires Password [status] 300 none 34ms5678.901234c5.67 [Valid] ...
- Apply a version label, from which development work at the new replica
will branch.
In the standard HCL VersionVault manner, a consistent set of source versions (a baseline) is identified by a version label. The VOB administrator creates label type SANFRAN_BASE and attaches it to the appropriate versions in the original VOB. The changes at sanfran_hub are made on sanfran_main branches; all these branches are created at SANFRAN_BASE versions.
- Rename the original replica appropriately.Even though the original VOB has not yet been replicated, its VOB database has a VOB replica object, named original:
MINUTEMANinvob /vobs/dev For VOB replica "/vobs/dev": 15-Aug.14:19 susan replica "original"
The administrator renames the VOB replica object to boston_hub:MINUTEMAN% multitool rename replica:original boston_hub Renamed replica from "original" to "boston_hub".
MINUTEMANinvob /vobs/dev For VOB replica "/vobs/dev": 15-Aug.14:19 susan replica "boston_hub"
- Make sure the VOB is not locked.
While running mkreplica –export during the Export phase, the VOB will be locked. If the VOB was already locked prior to running this command, an error occurs.MINUTEMAN% cleartool lslock vob:/vobs/dev MINUTEMAN% (null output indicates VOB is not locked)
- Make sure that all VOB source containers are accessible using the checkvob command.
For example, in a view context, run:
MINUTEMAN% cleartool checkvob -log /temp/cvlog -pool -source
The checkvob command can detect and optionally repair discrepancies between the VOB database and storage pools. For more information, see the checkvob reference page in VersionVault Command Reference. When checkvob completes, review the summary file created in the specified log directory for any issues that may need your attention prior to the export phase.
- Determine the size of the VOB database and source pools.
The directory you specify with the –workdir option in the mkreplica command must be on a partition that has enough free space to hold the VOB database and the VOB source pools. You must have write permission on its parent directory, and the directory you specify must not exist.
To determine the size of the VOB database and source pools, use the cleartool space command:cleartool space /vobs/dev Use(Mb) %Use Directory ... 1429.0 17% VOB database /vobstg/dev.vbs/db ... 189.5 2% source pool /vobstg/dev.vbs/s/sdft ...
In this example, the combined size of the VOB database and source pool is 1.62 GB, so the work directory must have at least 1.62 GB of free space.