Removing explicit mastership of a branch
A branch can have default or explicit mastership. You can use the chmaster –default command to return mastership of a branch to the replica that masters the branch type.
About this task
As described in Default and explicit branch mastership, a branch can have default or explicit mastership. After you follow the steps in Transferring mastership of a branch, the branch has explicit mastership. When you transfer mastership of a branch type to another replica, mastership is transferred for all branches with default mastership, but not for branches with explicit mastership.
- At the replica that masters the branch, enter a chmaster –default command:
RAMOHALLI> multitool chmaster –default Makefile@@\main Changed mastership of branch "Makefile@@\main" to "default"
- Determine which replica masters the branch type:
RAMOHALLI> multitool describe –fmt "%n\t%[master]p\n" brtype:main main boston_hub@\dev
If your current replica masters the branch type, stop here. If another replica masters the branch type, continue with the subsequent steps.
- Export an update packet to the replica that masters the
branch type:
RAMOHALLI> multitool syncreplica –export –fship boston_hub@\dev Generating synchronization packet C:\Program Files\HCL\CCM\VersionVault\var\shipping\ms_ship\outgoing\sync_bangalo re_11-Dec- - shipping order file is /opt/hcl/ccm/versionvault/shipping/ms_ship/outgoing/sh_o_sync_bangalo re_11-Dec- Attempting to forward/deliver generated packets... -- Forwarded/delivered packet /opt/hcl/ccm/versionvault/shipping/ms_ship/outgoing/sync_bangalore_11 -Dec-
- At the replica that masters the branch type, import the
MINUTEMAN% multitool syncreplica –import –receive Applied sync. packet /opt/hcl/ccm/versionvault/shipping/ms_ship/incoming/sync_bangalore_11 -Dec- to VOB /net/minuteman/vobstg/dev.vbs
- At the replica that masters the branch type, verify that
the branch has default mastership:
MINUTEMAN% multitool describe Makefile@@/main branch "Makefile@@/main" created 27-Aug-00.13:41:21 by Gail Smith (gail.user@boston20) branch type: main master replica: boston_hub@/vobs/dev (defaulted)
MINUTEMAN% multitool chmaster –default brtype:main
Changed mastership of branch type "main" to "default"