Displaying mastership request settings
To display the mastership request setting for a replica, branch type, or branch, use the describe command or the Mastership page in the Properties Browser (Windows®). These settings are also displayed in the Request Mastership Window on Windows®.
About this task
Mastership request settings are not replicated, so the describe command and the Mastership page display the current replica’s settings. On Windows®, the Request Mastership window has an option to display the settings at the master replica.
By default, the output from describe shows the mastership request setting. You can also use the –fmt option and specify %[reqmaster]p to display only the mastership request setting.
- To display a replica’s mastership request setting:
cleartool describe replica:boston_hub@/vobs/doc replica "boston_hub" created 15-Aug-00.14:19:03 by Susan Goechs (susan.user@minuteman) replica type: unfiltered master replica: boston_hub@/vobs/doc request for mastership: enabled owner: susan group: user host: "minuteman" identities: preserved permissions: preserved feature level: 2 connectivity: connected Attributes: FeatureLevel = 2
cleartool describe –fmt "%[reqmaster]p\n" replica:sanfran_hub@/vobs/dev disabled
- To display a branch type’s mastership request setting:
cleartool describe brtype:main@/vobs/doc branch type "main" created 15-Aug-00.14:19:03 by Susan Goechs (susan.user@minuteman) "Predefined branch type used to represent the main branch of elements." master replica: boston_hub@/vobs/doc request for mastership: allowed for branch type request for mastership: allowed for all instances ...
cleartool describe –fmt "%[reqmaster]p\n" brtype:boston_main@/vobs/dev denied for branch type denied for all instances
- To display a branch’s mastership request setting:
cleartool describe /vobs/doc/admin/setup.doc@@/main branch "/vobs/doc/admin/setup.doc@@/main" ... request for mastership: allowed ...
cleartool describe –fmt "%[reqmaster]p\n" /vobs/doc/plans/v3.0.doc@@/main denied