Handling objects that are not replicated
When using HCL VersionVault MultiSite as a VOB backup strategy, one of the most important things to note is that some objects in a VOB are not replicated.
The following objects are not replicated, and therefore are not
restored from backup:
- Derived objects
- After a recovery from backup, developers must rebuild derived objects associated with the VOB. Checked-in derived objects are replicated, so they are backed up.
- Triggers
- To ensure that you can re-create triggers after a restoration from backup, you must record information about all triggers in a VOB replica. For example, use the command lstype –kind trtype to list all triggers in a VOB, use the describe trtype: command to list details about each trigger, and then save that information somewhere outside the VOB.
- Nonobsolete locks
- As with triggers, you must record information about nonobsolete locks. You can write scripts that capture and re-create the trigger and lock information.
- VOB properties
- Certain VOB properties: the state of synchronous request for mastership (SRFM) enablement, the state of atomic checkin enablement, access controls that are set by the reqmaster command, and the minimum client feature level.
Also, pool assignments are specific to a replica, so re-creating the replica from a backup replica can undo changes made to them. If you make major changes to a VOB’s pool structure, use the chpool command to duplicate these changes at the backup replica. (At replica creation, you can also use the –pooltalk option with mkreplica –import to make pool assignments.)