Replacing a view server host for a NAS device
When you locate view storage on a NAS device, you can easily designate a different HCL VersionVault host of the same architecture to run the view_server process that manages access to the view without actually moving the view storage.
About this task
The following procedure replaces the view server host running Linux or the UNIX system for dynamic view V4.1_Int. It stops the view, removes the old view tag and object, and creates a new object and tag that specify the replacement host and the existing storage.
- Log on to the view’s server host. as the view’s owner.
- Deactivate the view.Use the cleartool endview command to stop the view and terminate its view_server process:
cleartool endview –server V4.1_Int
- Delete the existing view tag. You can use the HCL VersionVault Administration Console or the following command.
cleartool rmtag –view V4.1_Int
- Create a new view object and tag specifying a new view server host
and the existing storage.You can use the HCL VersionVault Administration Console or the following commands.
cleartool register –view –replace –host ccviewsvr1 –hpath /net/nasdevice/viewstg/v4.1_int.vws –gpath /net/nasdevice/viewstg/v4.1_int.vws /net/nasdevice/viewstg/v4.1_int.vws
cleartool mktag –view –tag V4.1_Int –host ccviewsvr1 –gpath /net/nasdevice/viewstg/v4.1_int.vws –hpath /net/nasdevice/viewstg/v4.1_int.vws /net/nasdevice/viewstg/v4.1_int.vws - Reactivate the view on the replacement view server host.
cleartool startview V4.1_Int